Comboni, on this day

A Roma scrive (1877) lettera edificante ai seminaristi africani Sorur e Morsal:
Qui in Roma sotto l’ispirazione della S. Sede apostolica voi berrete quello spirito che vi dovrà formare veri apostoli dei vostri fratelli che a milioni siedono ancora nelle tenebre e nelle ombre di morte.


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Cairo, le 13/11/1869

Mgr. Luigi di Canossa
ACR, A, c. 14/71


Cairo, 26/11 69

Your Most Reverend Excellency,

I am afflicted at the death of the Superior of the Canossian Sisters of Hong Kong. They write to me from there that many tears were shed for the pious woman at her tomb. Our venerable Apostolic Delegate is leaving for Rome tomorrow: he brings with him the hearts of all: but I am the one who feels his departure the most, because I feel the deepest gratitude to him. If with his love of truth and justice this worthy and venerable Prelate had not combined great kindness and charity to us, our Institutes would have vanished into thin air. If they now exist and prosper, we must be indebted to the zeal and charity of Mgr Ciurcia who, heavily burdened by an important and very difficult mission, since his position in Egypt is extremely sensitive, was and is a father and a most circumspect protector. Our venerable Fr Pietro asked him for the House of Shellal for us, and he will do all he can in Rome. On this subject I shall be writing to him in Rome by the next steamer, addressing my letters to the Princess Maria Assunta until I am sure of his address in the eternal city.
With regard to my going to Rome to settle matters and for the appeal for funds in America, I shall write to you by the next steamer and tell you about the plan as I see fit. In the meantime, may Your Excellency know that to move from Egypt I need permission not only from Monsignor the Delegate, but also from Propaganda, since I am the Superior of the Establishments as Cardinal Barnabò wrote to me last year.
His positis it is necessary that Your Excellency take the initiative as though it were your own idea, and above all that you show that money is essential for the Work in Africa and in Verona, and that hic et nunc we need at least 50,000 Scudi; that it is absolutely essential to find them and spend them, and that to do so you need Fr Comboni (although he is good for nothing and only capable of making a mess of things). Furthermore if I am in Rome I must claim the linen, beds etc. from the suppressed Convent, which Vimercati gave the African girls, and which the Nuns of Mgr Vicegerent have forcibly withheld.
Once Your Excellency has obtained this permission from Propaganda, I will come to Rome and we shall manage everything. We will even find 100,000 thalers, despite the sad times, and let the cataracts spring forth, because God
wants the work. With regard to M. Girard, do not go too far in praising him or telling him about it. He is known in Rome, andMgr Delegate,Mgr Patriarch of Jerusalem and numerous French Bishops know all about him. Although last year he sent his circular letters to all the Bishops of France for the Good Shepherd, he still has not raised a single cent because the name of M. Girard counts for little in France; and we have the facts. In any case I think it would be prudent if Your Excellency were to reach an agreement with Mgr Delegate. Yesterday I baptised two adult African women, and their godparents were two African girls and Attilio Miniscalchi and Bakhit, who wept with emotion.
Courage, Monsignor, give my respects and ours to the Holy Father and bless us all.
Your most humble and devoted son,

Fr Daniel Comboni

Conte Miniscalchi with his son and Bakhit are leaving for Upper Egypt and Aswan.

Card. Alessandro Barnabò
AP SC Egypt, v. 21, ff. 183–184v


Cairo, 3 Dec. 1869

Eminent Prince,

After a year of respectful silence, I again present myself to Your Most Reverend Eminence on this day consecrated to the glories of our illustrious Patron, St Francis Xavier, in the certainty of rediscovering in you that magnanimous fatherly heart, which you show even to the lowliest of the workers who toil for the holy missions.
In the face of certain events of life it is sometimes most appropriate for us to worship and be silent: divine Providence knows how to fulfil to the last syllable the diligentibus Deum omnia cooperantur in bonum. Although from my first beginnings in apostolic life I had prepared myself with complete resignation to suffer everything for God’s glory and for the salvation of the poor Africans, I was nevertheless far from expecting after the storm in Rome raised about me by Mgr C., ex Vicegerent… that on my mission I should shortly afterwards have to go through the tempest caused for me by one who edebat panem meum, quique magnificavit super me supplantationem. Both these storms aimed to wreck the newly founded Work for the Regeneration of the Africans.
But just as I did during the first one in Rome, in the second one in Egypt I also put myself totally into the loving hands of Providence, ready to do and suffer what would best please the Lord in the full certainty that I would obey God’s will to the letter. Because the first conflict had to be resolved by the infallible magisterium of the Sacred congregation of the Holy Office, the second had to be judged by Your Most Reverend Eminence and my most prudent Vicar Apostolic, whose wisdom and caution would succeed in dispelling the shadows and making the truth of the situation shine forth and triumph over them.
Glad therefore, of all that I myself, my zealous Camillian companions and the new Work have undergone and suffered, ever blessing the Lord, and prepared to undergo and suffer a hundredfold in the future for the salvation of the poor Africans, after such a long silence, I undertake on this day so solemn and sacred for Catholicism to address a few lines to you to commend to you as fervently and as forcefully as possible the poorest part of humanity, the neediest and most neglected in the world, unfortunate Africa, that in your wisdom you may encourage all reasonable efforts by those who are applying themselves to co-operate with the apostolate there.
The point which my newly started Work has reached, its importance, its difficulties and its hopes will be made known to Your Eminence by the incomparable and most venerable Vicar Apostolic, Mgr Ciurcia, to whose wisdom and patronage is owed all that has been achieved with divine grace through so many obstacles and painful events. I add that this Work, despite all the opposition it meets on all sides, will put down firm roots and make admirable progress if Providence preserves for us for a long time this eminent Prelate, who more than anyone has understood the extent and variety of the elements of the important and sensitive mission in Egypt, where he has earned the respect and esteem of all, including the government and consular authorities and even the Khedive himself, despite the anti-Catholic and masonic spirit that prevails in these parts.
Great self-denial, prudence and forbearance will be required to overcome the age-old prejudices and all the problems which must be faced for the redemption of the poor Africans in Egypt; but with God’s grace we shall succeed, especially if Propaganda pays particular attention both to the missions in Central Africa and to the most unhappy plight of the Africans in Egypt, for whom we deem it most appropriate to create a special apostolate which, in time, would bear the most abundant fruit. Your Eminence well understands the importance of the good outcome and development of the new Work, which, organised according to the established concept, could be successful both in its essential and primary purpose, which is the evangelisation of the immense tribes in Central Africa, and its secondary aim, namely the apostolate of Africans in Egypt. This secondary purpose, in which the Work is currently involved within the limits of the most prudent discretion, is also an important mission in its own right.
I do not think it a waste of time to call Your Eminence’s attention to an event which is about to take place and could be seriously linked to the future interests of Catholicism in Central Africa. Sir Samuel Baker, an Anglican and an explorer of a part of the sources of the Nile, has been made responsible by the Viceroy of Egypt (and I believe, by the Sultan) for an expedition on the White Nile and among the tribes of the African interior, to submit those peoples to Egypt. The Khedive wants Europe to think that he is undertaking this conquest to abolish slavery (?!!?!) in those regions. This famous traveller left Cairo yesterday, having assured me that he was provided with seven large steamers, a great many boats, weapons and canons, 3,600 soldiers, and a profusion of funds. He was created Pasha and General Governor of the black tribes already conquered, and those to be conquered.
I end this page with a plea. Since the new Work still has very few religious items, I beg Your Eminence to be kind enough to give me some from the Apostolic Work in Rome and especially from among the generously donated items of this kind, which at the imminent opening of the Council will be presented to the Holy Father for the missions by certain Societies of Ladies in Belgium, Holland, Ireland and Canada, etc., as many of the Catholic newspapers have announced. I trust that should you receive such an offering, Your Eminence will grant my humble request. Wemost ardently hope that the inauguration of the Ecumenical Council will be successful, and that it will be prosperously concluded. It will be rich in benefits and contribute a salutary medicine to today’s vulnerable society. Our filial prayers are offered especially for Your Eminence, who will have so great a part in this venerable Assembly. May Your Eminence accept in the meantime the humble and respectful regards of myself, my beloved companions Carcereri, Rolleri and Franceschini, as I kiss the Sacred Purple, and have the honour to remain in the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,

Your Most Reverend Eminence’s
most humble, obedient and unworthy son,

Fr Daniel Comboni, Apostolic Missionary

Abbess Maria M.Mueller
AMN, Salzburg

Cairo, 8 December 1869

Most Reverend Mother,

You must have great indulgence to be able to grant me your forgiveness once again. You have had the great kindness to send me from Salzburg, by Giuseppina Condè, so many gifts and such a lovely letter; and I…have not yet written you a single word about them. I insistently beg you to pardon me. I have been extremely busy and ill, so that although I did not write to you I prayed all the more, both for you and for all your holy convent. I am still very busy and this is the only reason why I have again not written to you in German; in fact, it would take me a few hours to do so, since I have not yet mastered that language which is so beautiful.
I have not enough words to thank you for the enormous generosity and goodness with which you collected donations for us and even came to our aid yourself. By so doing you have made yourself our collaborator and a co-redeemer of the poor Africans. I am infinitely grateful to you for all you wrote to me in your precious letter. Oh! How well you understand the missionary participation of the Catholic woman and true bride of Jesus Christ! For this reason I am once again infinitely grateful to you!… I ask you to have forwarded all that you yourself can give or succeed in requesting from others on behalf of the divine work for the conversion of the Africans directly to the Very Reverend Parish Priest of St. James in Cologne, President of the Society for the aid of poor African children, since he faithfully sends on everything to me in Cairo.
Receive the thanks of all my small houses; we all say many prayers for you, yes! for you yourself and for your daughters who brought up our dear Petronilla so well and who continuously do what Moses did while Joshua was fighting the Lord’s battle. On 31st January, the anniversary of Petronilla’s death, we shall be celebrating a funeral office with a sung Mass. She is already in heaven, and therefore must be praying for us and for the Africans. We were very edified by the behaviour of His Majesty the Emperor in Egypt. By his good example he has carried out a true mission among the Turks. He showed himself a Christian through and through. In Suez and in Cairo he first visited the church and took part in Mass; in Jerusalem he prostrated himself at those sacred places and also made his confession there and precisely to the Franciscan Fr Heribert. He then received us in the presence of the whole diplomatic corps. Our worthy lord’s good example truly deserved admiration, while the French Empress left unhappy memories in Egypt. In fact, she did not visit a single one of the pious establishments, never a church nor even the Cathedral of Alexandria itself, while she visited mosques, harems, ballrooms, and all the other profane monuments. The heart and spirit of His Majesty the Emperor proved worthy of the title of Apostolic Majesty. Oh! Let us hope that the laws corresponding to this title will be remembered again!
Since Giuseppina’s arrival, I have baptised many more Africans including also seven who are older than this good girl. I will write a few most interesting details to you about this. For today, I only wish you happy Christmas celebrations and a happy New Year. I also express my veneration to your holy daughters and commend myself to your prayers.
In the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I am your servant,
Apostolic Missionary

Fr Daniel Comboni

Translated from a German text in the Salzburg archives, since the French text is lost. [in the letter Comboni apologises for not writing in German]

Fr. Luigi Artini
APCV, 1458/233


Cairo, 10/12 69

My Dear Most Reverend Father Provincial,

I do not mean with this note to give an answer to your most precious letter to which I shall calmly reply in due course. I want to wish you and all your sons very happy holy Christmas celebrations. I thought I would say yes to the repeated requests of our two dear ones, Stanislao and Beppi, to make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, because these two deserve to be satisfied: they have toiled and sweated; it is now good that they should refresh their spirits at the tomb of Christ and at his cradle, to draw new vigour to sacrifice themselves fully for the salvation of souls. This is what I felt with the late Fr Melotto in 1857. Jerusalem is a centre of passion for Christ. You who are a good father, will subscribe to my decision. I have granted them 20 days.
I write nothing else to you except to say that with all my heart I urge you to help in the redemption of Africa. We have powerful and furious enemies, but Christ is stronger than they. We laugh at them all. Stanislao has understood the real position. When St Peter and St Paul went to Rome did they have only friends? We are treading in the footsteps of the Apostles, and we shall convert Africa. St Camillus, who has shown himself a gentleman, (in spite of a Fr Guardi and the ill-advised and most unfortunate Zanoni about the state of whose soul I am most apprehensive), will be a powerful collaborator. And while he is working for Africa, he will also conquer for us Fr Guardi, who on the other hand has so many merits and for whom I profess great veneration.
It seems that even our venerable Barnabò, to whom I sang out my just reasons at the right time and place, is now forming an opinion. I spent a few days in the capital of the Isthmus of Suez at Ismailia, with our beloved Fr Bernardo Girelli; he is so happy that he assures me if he goes on like this for a while he will die of consolation. He is very popular with the Franciscans and is an honour to the Camillian Order. We spent some very merry evenings; we slept in the same room. I now commend myself to your apostolic heart. Black Africa is the most deprived and neglected place in the world. She therefore deserves all our sacrifices. We must work hard, on the spot and in Paris, Constantinople and Rome: but we shall win everything, everything with God’s hand. It is enough for God to help us in Pati, contemni et mori pro Iesu, and everything is in order. Happy Christmas and regards to Fr Germano, Regazzini, to my dear Bonzanini and to all, especially to the venerable Father Founder. To you the whole heart of

Your unworthy D. Comboni

Fr. Alfonso M. Ratisbonne


Cairo, 15 December 1869

Most Reverend Father,

You will remember,my revered and dear Father, the happy circumstances of October 1857, when together with two missionaries from Central Africa, Fr Soragna and Fr Fene, Jesuits, I had the good fortune to make the trip to Jerusalem with you and visit your holy Daughters, the Sion Sisters, whom you had the eminent charity to have pray fervently for the Apostolate of Central Africa. Now that Providence has ordained that two of my missionaries should come to the Holy Land to draw from the tomb of the Saviour and the manger of the baby Jesus the necessary strength to sacrifice their entire life for the salvation and conversion of the unfortunate descendants of Ham in the African interior, I renew my humble prayers to your Apostle’s heart, in the certainty that your holy prayers and those of your worthy Daughters will be granted. Last winter I had the honour several times to visit your worthy and wise brother, Fr Teodoro, the famous and pious author of the history of St Bernard and his Age, as well as the venerable Sisters of Sion.
How moved was my frail heart! There I found God’s work, the miracle of this age of errors, for the poor descendants of Abraham. I am convinced of the truth of the facts and from the whole picture which is becoming clear in our age, that God’s kingdom is drawing nearer for the unfortunate Jews and that the Works of God established by the worthy Ratisbonne brothers, are the most powerful instruments, the promising initiative, and that Our Lady of Sion is the apostle of the descendants of her forebears, the chosen people. I open my heart to you with the warmest emotion and the greatest happiness, my very reverend Father, to tell you that in the age when so many Christians are conspiring against the Lord and his Christ, it seems to me that the most Sacred Heart of Jesus is pouring forth twice as much love upon those who give their life to establish the Kingdom of Heaven among our misguided fathers, since so many peoples who have received Holy Baptism and life reject him and crucify him again, the Saviour lavishes himself with an abundance of his graces on the peoples still enveloped in the darkness of death.
The Institutes that have extended their holy work in France, England, Constantinople and the Holy Land, are powerful instruments of divine Love and what consoles the spirit of the Catholic Faith above all is this sublime family, burning with prayers and expiatory acts that you started at the Shrine of the “Ecce Homo”. Ah, the holy Daughters of Sion will obtain forgiveness and graces for the descendants of God’s ancient people, they are fulfilling the desire of our dear Jesus in the very place where the Jews demanded his Blood upon them and upon the heads of their descendants. They are carrying out the great mission which the divine Saviour granted to the holy women of the Gospel on the way of the Cross: “Weep for yourselves and for the descendants of my people”. I express my good wishes and I always pray that the holy desires which the Mother of God has inspired in you will be granted. The time is approaching.
I ask you to show my dear confreres, Fr Stanislao Carcereri and Fr Giuseppe Franceschini, your Institutes in Jerusalem and in St John in Montana. They will be glad to admire these works of God which highlight a glorious age in the Church, in the conversion of the Jews and in the apostolate. At the same time, I beg you to appeal to the ardent zeal of the holy Religious, the Daughters of Sion, to pray constantly for the conversion of the unfortunate blacks in Central Africa. It is pointless for me to tell you about it here, because you will have all the news from my dear missionary confreres. I visited Queen Isabella of Spain and her husband His Majesty Francesco of Assisi several times in Paris. They spoke to me with great interest and enthusiasm of you and of your Holy Work. The first time he saw me the king greeted me saying, “Oh, welcome, reverend Father! I clearly recall that I saw you at Court in Madrid. I am glad to express my sympathy for you and for your Work; it is a difficult task, etc.”
After confirming that I had had the honour to pay him homage in Madrid, etc., after eight or ten minutes of compliments and talk about the revolution in Spain, etc., the king, in the presence of the queen who was crying, said to me, “How are your fine Institutes in Jerusalem?” “Your Majesty, I have no houses in Jerusalem; my Works are in Cairo, etc.” “But Father, are you not the very reverend Ratisbonne?” “I would be most happy, Your Majesty,” I continued, “if I had a thousandth part of the great virtues of Fr Ratisbonne. I am a humble missionary of Central Africa, and my name is Comboni, etc.” “Ah!, I beg your pardon, my venerable reverend Comboni, but I know you”. In brief, then, as I had noticed in his Majesty a great sympathy and truly remarkable enthusiasm for you and for your holy Works, that very day I hastened to the very reverend Fr Teodoro to tell him what the king had said to me, and to ask him to visit him, certain that he would be very well received by him and the queen, and that he would perhaps obtain many benefits for your Works.
I found this venerable Father unenthusiastic, and redoubling my requests, he answered me: “My friend, I do not have much trust in the happy dispositions of this Court. My dearest confrere went to Spain. He had a friendly welcome, but until today no advantage has come of it”. He was certainly right, for although these two august persons also welcomed me and were most encouraging to me about the difficult Work of converting Africa, I nevertheless believe that from now on it will be more difficult to get any good out of it. I beg you to pray to the Lord to grant the apostolate of Central Africa saints and zealous Gospel workers, either European or indigenous, and let us remain eternally united in the everlasting love of Jesus and Mary.

Your devoted and unworthy confrere,

Fr Daniel Comboni

Translated from French.

Society of Cologne
“Jahresbericht…” 18 (1870), p. 12

Cairo, 17 December 1869

Brief news.

Mother Emilie Julien
ASSGM, Afrique Centrale Dossier


Cairo, 23 December 1869

My Dear Reverend Mother,

Your letter of 29th December was delivered to me this morning. I had great hopes that you would grant me Sr Giuseppina of Tiberias, and on the contrary you are even disposed to take Sr Maria Bertholon from me. She is a very good Mother; she has helped me in difficult times for my Work. Without her a good number of souls would not have entered the Church and Heaven through my Work. She has been a true Mother for Daniel Comboni and for Africa. I feel such deep gratitude that it will last my whole life. But for the love of God, may she be our Mother and our protectress now and in the future. The Work is continuing admirably. Mgr Ciurcia, the Apostolic Delegate, conveyed to Rome all the interest in my work. He succeeded in pacifying the Cardinal and it is essential for the main house of my Work, entrusted to the Sisters of St Joseph, to be firmly established.
This is why I need Sisters, and especially a good and efficient Arab Sister. Sr Maria Bertholon has borne with admirable self-denial the heaviest burdens of the foundation; zealous, dedicated and patient, deeply pious, very active and loving, she has worked wonderfully and has won the heart of the African girls who have great love for her and appreciate her zeal. How will I be able to manage if she is exchanged for another, and removed from such a useful and difficult work in which she has helped so much? My good Mother, I have not spoken of your intentions and I have not told her that I am writing to you. On the contrary, I earnestly beg you to write her a beautiful letter of encouragement so that she will always be dedicated to the salvation of the most abandoned souls. She is very upset because you never write to her. The good Sister is suffering, however rarely is there a sign of discouragement in her spirit. The sun never sets without the Good Lord consoling her. Thanks be to God all our African girls are devout and have good habits. We could expose them in a soldiers’ barracks: they would die martyrs. But there are one or two who from time to time fall into a bad mood, and it is during these periods that Sr Maria and I become discouraged and she says: “it is sad to be repaid by ungratefulness!” But this soon passes.
In more than a hundred letters which the little African girls have written to their former teachers in Verona, they are full of praise for the Sisters and especially for Sr Maria and Sr Maddalena, and expressly declare that they have found true mothers in the sisters. You know, most reverend Mother, that this happens in missions and communities. Moreover, Sr Maria is very well. It would be hard to find two such good Sisters who are as devoted and patient as her and Sr Maddalena. The latter is a very pious and docile angel who makes great sacrifices and is always happy and content. She is (unknown to her) adored by her Superior and by the African girls. Sr Maddalena is the portrait of St Stanislao Koska. So may I be permitted to ask you never to dream of withdrawing these two worthy Sisters. They have guided the work during its most difficult times and I am really keen to keep them, always. Please write both a lovely letter: they think of you as Jesus Christ.
Assuming the principle that these two Sisters, Sr Maria and Sr Maddalena, remain in my Institute because it is impossible for me to find two more generous Sisters, I commend myself to your maternal charity to find me an Arab Sister, who is generous and well instructed in reading and writing Arabic. We need an indigenous teacher who is a Sister. Apart from the little Africans who will benefit from her, Sr Maria and Sr Maddalena will also profit by her. In addition we need a Sister for the cleaning. Sr Maria does a great deal: she is very economical; I assure you that in the conditions in which we found ourselves she has done too much, but she cannot do everything. If you think Sr Veronica would be good, I will be happy to have her in our house. I make only this observation; Sr Maria is very humble, she does not want to be Superior. Nonetheless, I believe that we should not remove the office of Superior from her except if you can grant us a Superior from among the older ones in the Institute, such as for example, the Superior of the hospital of Jerusalem, Mother Assistant, etc. This is what I submit to your great wisdom. Do you think, Mother, that this holy Religious, the present Superior of the Jerusalem Hospital would suit our Institute? She is getting on in years and is rather worn out. In Old Cairo the air is wonderful. It would be a rest for her. The Institute of Old Cairo is becoming very important. Under her direction, Sr Maddalena would become a very suitable Superior to direct the other houses for African girls which I am bent on founding.
All things considered, with my present established resources I can constantly guarantee: 1) the house, paid for and furnished; 2) 4,000 francs a year. With a little patience I shall be able to increase this sum considerably. You know that the African girls work. Now if you could envisage accepting these minimal conditions for the time being, we should be happy to be involved only in the spiritual direction and not to take care of the other things, especially as regards the financial side which takes up much of our time. If you agree that we arrange things in this way, I will take it upon myself to see to everything very soon with Monsignor and the Delegate. Of course it will be necessary to direct the African girls so that they succeed in becoming apostles of their nation on the basis of my Plan, which is recognised by Mgr Delegate and considered by all as the soundest system for the evangelisation of Central Africa. Finally, Mother, do come to my aid. Sr Elisabetta is at our house, Sr Maria has no remarks to make; she willingly stays with the African girls. Let us not speak about this Sister (who moreover is good) until we have arranged for the Arab Sister and for all that I have just said. The present Superior of the hospital seems to me rather good and very prudent and religious. I am very sorry about the departure of the incomparable Sr Eufrasia, the Assistant. Our Mother Caterina Valerio of Verona, a Franciscan, is in Jerusalem. I can tell you nothing about what she will be doing. Naturally I cannot rely on one Sister alone. At present I cannot predict what they will decide for her, because I do not know her intentions. Fr Stanislao and Fr Giuseppe are also in Jerusalem. Accept good wishes for the Christmas celebrations and for a happy New Year from us all. Give my respects to Sr Celeste, Sr Raffaella and to all.

Your must devoted son,

Fr Daniel Comboni

Translated from French.

Fr. Gioacchino Tomba

AMV, Cart. “Missione Africana”


Cairo, 25/12 69

My Dearest Fr Gioacchino,

I do not want to let Bakhit depart without writing you a line to offer you and the male and female Institutes my best wishes for Christmas and a happy New Year. I am not telling you my news because you will hear it all from Bakhit. I only commend myself to your prayers and to those of everyone in the Institute. With God’s grace, all nine girl pupils of the Verona Institute without exception are flourishing and they are really good. Other than an occasional fleeting moodiness from time to time in some of them, they are happy and impassioned by the mission. Zenab, Giustina, Quascè, Caltume and Zarifa are distinguishing themselves and perhaps, better than anyone, Luigia, who is fullof common sense, and also Domitilla. In the three Institutes there are 42 wide open mouths to feed: I have to think; but I understand that what our Old Manused to say is true: that Christ is a gentleman and not a miser…
It seems to me that I have laid solid foundations for the Work in Africa. I still have a lot to do in Europe, but I shall succeed. I have made a pact with my bursar, St Joseph; or rather, I have made him a declaration that in three years I absolutely want 100,000 thalers, and I want them, by hook or by crook. I think that Joe will consider it and act wisely. The first year I will treat him with sweet and gentle words as one would with a little girl. The second, I will treat him to politics and use diplomatic methods; if after two years he does not give me more than half what I ask, I shall use ugly ways, and I will see to it. Please pray too to this good old man to help me, because I have also whispered good words into his ear several times to make him help you.
I must explain to you that I am a member of the Association of S. Carlo, by virtue of which every priest of the Mazza Institute who dies receives a Mass from all the living members. I let you know because I have a full and absolute right to belong to you and to share in the Masses of all the survivors when I die, since I have already celebrated Mass for all those who are already dead. I therefore beg you when someone dies to write to me in Cairo to inform me so that I can celebrate the Mass, and the letter will be forwarded tome to whatever point of the globe I happen to be in.
Give my greetings to Tregnaghi, Fr Donato, Fr Fochesato, Fr Beltrame, Betta, Mamma Regina, Aunt Zara, and one and all, and also please give Fr Cesare Cavattoni all my regards.
In the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary I remain

Your most humble and affectionate

Fr Daniel Comboni

Signatures for Masses

(from the Mass Register)