stipulated between the Most Reverend Monsignor Daniele Comboni, currently Vicar Apostolic of Central Africa and the most Reverend Mother Emilie Julien, Superior General of the Congregation of the sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition.
In order to assist the Catholic Missions in the Vicariate Apostolic of Central Africa in all the branches of instruction and charity in favour of the females and children, the Congregation of the sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition generously contributes with its Sisters on the following conditions, mutually agreed between the Most Reverend Monsignor Daniel Comboni, Vicar Apostolic of the aforesaid Vicariate of Central Africa and the most Reverend Mother Emilie Julien, Superior General of the aforesaid congregation, obligatory, after the approval of the Sacred Congregation of Propaganda Fide, also for their Successors, as long as the Holy See so wishes.
1. The Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition will work in the Vicariate Apostolic of Central Africa together with the Pious Mothers of Africa: the latter will have separate houses and a separate province in their activities.
The only house which will serve as their common dwelling will be the house for acclimatisation in Cairo, where, with separate apartments only, they will share the tasks of the material offices of cooking and laundry and the refectory; they will also share the chapel; moreover they will care separately for their own apartments, study separately, and will have a separate Superior who will see to it, when their common offices are not an obstacle, that her Sisters abide by their own rule.
2. The Sisters living in Cairo are also bound to do the cooking and laundry for the male house, and all the mending and needlework for the same. The Sisters have the right to be supplied by the Mission with everything they need as regards food and clothing.
3. The Superior General will keep the number of at least four Sisters in each Mission house, and in Khartoum at least five including the Superior. This is the number that, with regard to the general and particular conditions of the Vicariate and of each place, is judged to be just sufficient for carrying out the various offices; hence
4. The Superior General, at the request of the Vicar Apostolic will send to Cairo for Central Africa enough Sisters to complete at least the number mentioned above in each house, and each one furnished with an Obedience for the Missions, and with a true and good religious spirit, good health and able to carry out the office for which they are requested.
5. They will remain in Cairo for as long as the Vicar Apostolic considers necessary for acclimatisation. In this interim period, one of them will be the Superior of the others according to the orders of the Mother General; and they will engage especially in the study of the languages of Central Africa, meanwhile remaining subject, in the spiritual field, to the Authority of the Vicar Apostolic of Egypt, in accordance with their Constitutions.
6. When travelling to the various Stations of the Vicariate Apostolic, the Sisters of St Joseph will receive from the Devout Mothers of Africa – and vice-versa – the accommodation and services fitting for Sisters and religious women. The Sisters of St. Joseph will receive from the Mission the refunding of expenses incurred for the temporary stay of Devout Mothers of Africa in their houses.
7. The Sisters are obliged to do cooking, laundry and needlework for both the male and female houses; or rather, they will direct all this work, making use of the young African pupils, whom they are also obliged to train in feminine skills.
8. The Sisters are also obliged to give a free education and instruction in the Catholic Religion and in reading and writing to all the young girls who are entrusted to them either by the Vicar Apostolic or by the Superiors he has appointed. They must likewise prudently introduce themselves into families, to exercise charity there and to gain souls for God; and, in agreement with the Parish priest, whose rights they will respect, they will never refuse this office, especially when they are asked to carry it out by an order from the Superior.
9. The Vicar, the Superiors and Directors will also have those rights and that authority with regard to the sisters which are permitted by the Constitutions of the said Sisters, who will accept the Superior, Director, and Confessor assigned to them by the Vicar Apostolic.
10. The relations of the sisters with the Missionaries and with everyone, their life and their actions, will never deviate from the Rule and the Constitutions. The latter, insofar as the needs of the Mission permit, must be observed by everyone. The Superior alone has the right to modify the Rule; and she should never refuse to do this when the real good of the Mission so demands.
11. The Superior General will therefore keep a Superior in her principal residence of Khartoum who will have jurisdiction over all the sisters of St Joseph living throughout the Vicariate Apostolic of Central Africa. She will be able to impose the Rule, correct and punish the sisters, move them to other houses or send them back to Europe, open new houses, etc. This Superior, dependent on the Superior General, will inform her of everything; and in seriously important matters, such as sending a Sister away from the Mission or opening new houses or other such, she will first consult the General when obvious damage to the Work and the individual do not require an instant remedy or an immediate resolution, in which case the Superior will come to an agreement with the Vicar Apostolic and will inform the Superior General of the measures taken. This authority is incumbent on the Superior from the day she arrives in Khartoum; the Superior General will see that she is suited to such an important office.
The Vicar Apostolic will give the Sisters a decently furnished house, supplied with all that is necessary according to the Rule of the Congregation, which professes true simplicity for itself.
In addition, he will contribute annually for each sister the sum of 500 Italian Lire (five hundred), in two six-monthly instalments paid in advance. With this sum, the Sisters, if they so wish, will obtain provisions from the Mission stores where, without calculating transport costs, they will be given items at the price for which they were purchased; neither will they be denied a share of the harvest from the land belonging to the individual Missions.
With regard to travel expenses, it is established that the Vicar Apostolic is responsible for the total cost for those sisters requested or sent by him; on the other hand, the General is responsible for the sisters whom the General herself sends or recalls.
The food, clothing, medicines, lodging, books, etc. necessary for the African girl pupils remains the responsibility of the Vicar Apostolic or of their relatives. The same applies to the Orphanages or Hospitals which the Vicar Apostolic entrusts to the sisters’ care.
The Vicar Apostolic will do his utmost to ensure that in their house the sisters can exactly observe their Rule without prejudice to the needs of the Mission which they serve, as declared in the Constitutions of the Congregation.
In the case of a Sister’s death, her funeral and prayer services will be celebrated free of charge as is done for deceased Missionary Priests, and as set out in the Directories.