Official visit by Brother Alberto Lamana to the Province of Ethiopia

Assistant General Bro. Alberto Lamana, has made an official visit to the Province of Ethiopia. He arrived in Addis Ababa, the capital, on 26th June and returned to Rome on 15th July.

In the course of his three-week stay in Ethiopia, which is the cradle of such an ancient culture as to be rightly called ‘the land of origins’, Bro. Alberto visited the eight Comboni communities: four in the Vicariate of Hawassa (one in the seat of the Vicariate, devoted to missionary and vocational promotion, one in Daye among the Sidamo, and two in Haro Wato and Qillenso among the Guji); two in the diocese of Bahir Dar-Dessie (Gilgel Beles and Gublak, among the Gumuz); and two in Addis Ababa (the provincial house and the postulancy).

Bro. Alberto also met Cardinal Berhaneyesus Souraphiel Demerew, Archbishop of Addis Ababa, the Provincial Superior of the Comboni Missionary Sisters, the head of the Sisters of St. Joseph of the Apparition, the Apostolic Administrator of Hawassa, Msgr. Juan Antonio González Núñez, and his vicar, Father Nicolino Di Iorio.

During the visit to the communities, Bro. Alberto spoke with each missionary individually and met with each community to understand the current situation of the Institute, both at the level of the staff and that of the ongoing post-capitular processes. These meetings were important moments of true communication and communion. All the confreres confided to Brother Alberto that they truly felt at one with the entire Institute.

Br. Alberto also visited some chapels in each of the missions he was in, meeting numerous groups of faithful. This allowed him to see the missionary pastoral vision implemented, strongly based on ministeriality, carried out by the confreres of the province.

Before concluding his visit, he met the Provincial Council, in the Comboni House in Hawassa. He told them that he felt warmly welcomed by all the confreres. He then explained that his visit to Ethiopia was truly an opportunity to meet “all the confreres, without exception”, and learn about the ministries to which they dedicate themselves. He said he was happy to have found an intercultural and serene Province, characterised by a strong sense of unity and clear common objectives, and made lively by the presence of many young missionaries “full of the fire of the mission”. He repeated several times: “The Comboni mission is very alive in Ethiopia.”

However, the general assistant did not gloss over some ‘weak points’ he noticed in the circumscription, in particular, the disproportion between the excessive number of commitments undertaken and the limited number of available personnel, and the surprising scarcity of missionary brothers (only three, out of a total of 26 members). However, he concluded that he had found “Happy missionaries committed to the mission” in the province.

The provincial superior, Asfaha Yohannes Weldeghiorghis, and his councillors thanked Bro. Alberto for sharing his spirit of optimism, braving the cold of the missions high up in the mountains and the mud on some of the roads, as well as successfully overcoming the fatigue of the long journeys. Brother Alberto responded with a smile: “I wanted to speak with each of the 26 brothers to thank them for their ministry and encourage them to remain faithful to the charism of Saint Daniel Comboni.”

Perpetual professions

Sc. Mikozama Bienvenu Clémy (CN)

Isiro (RDC)


Sc. Cerritos Abarca Roger Alexander (PCA)

San Salvador (ES)


Sc. Mbusa Mathemwero Moïse (CN)

Bondo (RDC)


Sc. Alule Deogratius (U)

Mbuya (UG)


Sc. Mukaaya K. Achireo (U)

Mbuya (UG)


Sc. Bimbo Ngoabide Esdras Ulrich (RCA)

Mongoumba (RCA)


Sc. Agbeli Koffi Crépin (T)

Lomé-Cacaveli (TG)


Sc. Gbedenya Kodzo Daniel (T)

Lomé-Cacaveli (TG)


Sc. Sichongwe Romanos (MZ)

Lilongwe (MZ)


Sc. Got Tob Emmanuel (KE)

Nakwamekwi (KE)


Sc. Atara Abebayehu Joseph (ET)

Qillenso (ET)


Sc. Tanga Tamirat Tegegn (ET)

Qillenso (ET)



Fr. Idro Keny Denis (U)

Gulu (UG)


Fr. Kasereka Valyene Edgard (C)

Butembo (RDC)


Fr. Adanlesossi Koku Delanyo (T)

Lomé (TG)


Fr. Djato Wilfried (T)

Lomé (TG)


Fr. Ochieng David Oduor (KE)

Sigomre/Kisumu (KE)


Fr. Nsinga Robert (U)

Kabale (UG)


Fr. Etabo Lopeyok Josephj (KE)

Lokichar (KE)


Holy Redeemer Guild

September      01 – 15 NAP        16 – 30 PCA

October           01 – 07 RCA        08 – 15 TCH           16 – 31 RSA

Prayer Intentions


That, in our pastoral practice, we may be ever more aware of the situations of sexual exploitation and the spread of the phenomenon of the trafficking of women and children, giving attention and support to those who work to eliminate these situations of suffering and injustice. Let us pray.


That the synodal journey of communion, participation and mission we are celebrating may involve us as the Church, so that she may truly become the home of all. May the breath of the Spirit keep the communities alive in their pastoral and missionary journey. Let us pray.

Comboni Liturgical calendar



St. Peter Claver, priest

Patron of the Institute




Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church

Patron of the Mission



Saint Daniel Comboni,

Founder of the Comboni Family



Blessed David Okelo and Gildo Irwa


Optional memorial. Northern Uganda

Meaningful anniversaries



Saint Peter Claver, priest,

Patron of the Institute, solemnity

Chad, Colombia


Exaltation of the Holy Cross




Our Lady of Aparecida



Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin



Saints John Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, priests and companions, martyrs

and Canada)


Manuel Augusto L. Ferreira, Modelli di missione – La riconfigurazione della missione con papa Francesco, Edizioni Messaggero Padova, 2023, pp. 228.

The author describes the reconfiguration of the mission taking place in the post-conciliar Church, emphasising especially the pontificate of Pope Francis, using the concept of model. His aim is to provide a more open narrative that is also more respectful of the nature of the mission and ita characteristic variety.

There are six models reviewed: mission as Announcement, Encounter, Service, Liberation, Fraternity and Integral Ecology. The text offers a brief presentation of each model, starting from the current situation and the interest it arouses; recalls its biblical and theological foundation; makes brief references to its historical journey in the Church; presents Pope Francis’ contribution to each model, recalling above all his doctrinal teaching; finally, it identifies the points of contact between the models, in the context of a multifaceted mission and an ecclesiology of communion.


Continental Assembly of Provincial Treasurers of America/Asia

Father Luigi Codianni, Assistant General in charge of the economic sector, and Father Angelo Giorgetti, General Treasurer, visited the Comboni Province of Brazil last July. During their stay, they organised various activities. Among the most relevant there was an economics training course, which was held at the São Paulo scholasticate from 3rd to 7th July.

Seven scholastics and five other confreres participated in the course. The objective of the course was to gradually introduce participants to the complex world of economics.

The following week, from 10th to 15th July, the Continental Assembly of American-Asian Bursars was held. The provincial treasurers of eight jurisdictions participated: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, NAP, PCA, Peru and Asia.

Various topics were debated: the organisation of the “economic sector” in one’s own constituency; the implementation of the Chapter Acts, with particular attention to the section dedicated to the economy; the care of elderly and sick confreres; the chart of accounts and its impact on data aggregation; the usability of information useful for discernment at various levels; the continental coordination of the “economy sector”.

The group had the grace of making a Marian pilgrimage to the Santuário Nacional da Basílica de Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida, the most important Catholic place of worship in Brazil. It was a day of relaxation, fraternal sharing and entrusting the work of the Assembly to Mary.

When about to return to their various provinces, the Assembly felt duty bound to express their heartfelt thanks for the warm welcome given to them by the confreres of the Brazilian province and by the Brazilian people.


First Comboni deacon from Congo-Brazzaville

Last July 29, the Comboni scholastic Mikozama Bienvenu Clémy made his perpetual profession and, the following day, was ordained to the diaconate at Isiro, in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The new deacon was born in Brazzaville in 1993 and is the first - and so far, the only - Comboni missionary originally from the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), a country where there are no communities of the Comboni Family.

When Clémy met the Comboni missionaries and asked to join the Institute, he did not know what to expect because candidates from countries where there is no Comboni presence are not usually accepted. But, given the proximity between Brazzaville and Kinshasa, the two closest capitals in the world - they are separated only by the Congo River - his request was accepted.

Clémy did his novitiate in Sarh (Chad) and took his first vows on 13th May 2018. After finishing his theology studies in Cape Coast (Ghana) in 2022, he was assigned to the Democratic Republic of Congo. In a few months’ time, Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo, would witness the first priestly ordination of a Comboni missionary.

Mons. Léonard Ndjadi Ndjate ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Kisangani

Three months after being nominated auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Kisangani, in the Democratic Republic of Congo (13th May 2023), Father Léonard Ndjadi Ndjate, Comboni missionary, on 13th August, the Sunday on which the Assumption of Mary into heaven was celebrated, was ordained bishop, becoming the first Congolese Comboni bishop.

Hundreds of people participated in the solemn Eucharistic celebration, including many faithful of the archdiocese, civil, military and religious authorities, as well as people from other locations in the Democratic Republic of Congo and from foreign nations. The Eucharist was presided over by Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Kinshasa. In his homily, after thanking Pope Francis for his pastoral concern towards the archdiocese of Kisangani, the cardinal congratulated Msgr. Léonard for his appointment, and thanked the Comboni missionaries for “the generous willingness of their brother to serve the Church of Kisangani”.

His Eminence Fridolin urged the new prelate to “behave like a good shepherd, who sometimes stands in front of the flock to indicate the direction to follow, sometimes in the middle to ‘get a whiff’ of it in order to understand its situation, its joys and its sufferings and sometimes behind to carry the weak forward or push the capricious who are tempted to waver to the right or the left in the common direction,” And he added: “Your ministry will be fruitful if you are a passionate bishop, a bishop who suffers when his people suffer, a bishop who rejoices when his people celebrate... A bishop is a father for all, even for those who hate him, criticise or insult him.”

Father Léonard entered the Comboni Institute when he made his first religious profession in 2002 and his final vows in 2005. After being ordained a priest on 13 August 2006, in Kisangani, he was sent to the Central African Republic, where he remained until 2013. He spent from 2015 to 2019 in Rome to obtain a Licentiate in Spiritual Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Soon after, he was appointed father master of the Comboni international novitiate in Cotonou, Benin. In 2020 he was elected provincial superior of the Comboni missionaries of Congo for a three-year mandate. His appointment as bishop was communicated to him a few months after his re-election to the same service.

With a surface area of 150,123 km2 and a population of approximately three million inhabitants, the archdiocese of Kisangani is the largest of the 48 dioceses of the DR Congo. According to Msgr. Marcel Utembi, Metropolitan Archbishop of Kisangani, the pastoral, sociopolitical and cultural realities of this local Church are rich and complex. The archdiocese therefore expects Msgr. Léonard, 47, to truly bring “a breath of fresh air to the apostolic work already under way”.

Monsignor Léonard will assist Archbishop Utembi in the sectors of education, the economy and diocesan finances, and will deal in particular with the Pontifical Mission Societies, social pastoral care (Caritas, media and integral ecology) and movements linked to Catholic Action.

The new bishop, whose motto is Delectare in Domino (“Find your joy in the Lord”), thanked all those who contributed to his human, spiritual and missionary formation, and urged the faithful to pray for him, so that he may faithfully carry out his arduous mission as pastor of God’s people in Kisangani. (Brother Lwanga Kakule, mccj)


Provincial Assembly

The Comboni Missionaries of the DSP held their annual Provincial Assembly from Monday 26 to Thursday 29 June 2023 in Ellwangen. This year, the assembly focused on the preparation of the six-year plan.

Before the provincial, Fr. Hubert Grabmann, opened the meeting and welcomed the 34 confreres, the sad news arrived of the death of our confrere, Father Hilmar Gulba, after only three days of hospitalisation. The confreres therefore had the opportunity to give a final farewell to Father Hilmar in the celebration of a mass in his memory.

The provincial welcomed not only the confreres of the province, but also the brothers in their homeland for holidays: Father Josef Schmidpeter, Brother Hans Dieter Ritterbecks and Father Alois Deflorian.

In his report, the provincial focused in particular on the degree of implementation of the tasks established in the latest six-year plan. It was noted with regret that the internationalisation of the province is proceeding very slowly, while the advanced age of the confreres of the province is a growing concern.

It was also pointed out that pastoral care for refugees and migrants was sometimes well implemented. However, due to the lack of suitable confreres, in recent years this activity has been reduced to a few personal initiatives. The collaboration of the Comboni Lay Missionaries, always available to work with us, was positively noted. The social commitment of the Vintlerhof in Milland/Bressanone for people with social problems was also recognised in the provincial’s report.

During the three days of the assembly, there were many opportunities to exchange views and make plans. The final objectives to be set in the new six-year plan will have to be elaborated by a commission by the end of the year.

We also celebrated a Mass for our confrere Father Benno Singer, who died in South Africa, which was attended by relatives and friends from the area who met Father Benno during his stay in Ellwangen. Father Günther Hofmann, who worked with him in South Africa for several years, added some personal reflections during the homily.

We concluded the assembly with a Eucharistic celebration at the Marian sanctuary “Maria Brünnlein” in Wemding, followed by a fraternal dinner near the sanctuary.


Visit by Father David Domingues

Father David was with us from 6th to 25th July and had the opportunity to get to know the seven communities that make up the province and their respective members. With the desire to fit into the new reality, he dedicated the first day of his visit to getting to know the city of Quito. He first visited the historic centre, in colonial style, very significant and well preserved, then, on the outskirts of the city, the Monumento a la Mitad del Mundo (“Equator Monument”), 30 meters high and built between 1979 and 1982.

Regarding the political and social context of the country, Father David found a situation of great instability, dissatisfaction and violence, which is also clearly experienced in the places where our Comboni communities operate.

As a first stop, he met the communities of Quito: The Provincial House and the Postulancy. The Provincial House is dedicated to provincial services, missionary animation and ministry in nearby parishes. The CAM with the magazine Sin Fronteras is based here. Recently, the community has made the commitment to reactivate the “San Daniele Comboni” missionary animation centre in Carcelén, inaugurated in 1998, very active during the first years and subsequently suspended due to various circumstances.

As regards the Postulancy, we have just presented the application for entry into the Novitiate of the latest postulant, with the hope that other young people may follow his example. The Afro Centre has its headquarters here. For two years, the Postulancy community has also taken charge of the pastoral care of a parish. Father David was able to learn about all these realities and meet all the members of the two communities.

The second stage saw Father David meet the community of Guayaquil, the most populated city in the country, where a Comboni Project for Human Promotion (OCPH) is based. The community, made up of two brothers and two fathers, is dedicated to various social and African pastoral initiatives. A little over a year ago it took charge of a parish.

The third stage consisted in a visit to the community of El Carmen, in the province of Manabí. It is the most populated parish among those entrusted to the Comboni Missionaries in Ecuador. Arriving on the days of the festivities of the Patroness, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Father David not only had the opportunity to meet the missionaries who work there but also to concelebrate a solemn Eucharist, in honor of the Virgin Mary.

The fourth stage involved visiting the three communities that form part of the Apostolic Vicariate of Esmeraldas, where, for several years, a large number of Comboni missionaries have been concentrated. The three communities are La Merced (in the city), where the parish is also a sanctuary; Borbón, a parish with a large number of villages in rural areas that are difficult to reach, and San Lorenzo, an urban parish with many villages in rural areas.

After the long journey through the communities, Father David returned to Quito where he had a very fraternal meeting with the provincial council. On the final day, before leaving, with the members of the communities who were able to be present, Father David had the opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist and participate in a moment of celebration, in which we congratulated him on his 25 years of priesthood, and we thanked him for his visit to our province.

Father David encouraged us with his cordial and fraternal style, made us experience communion with the entire Institute, stimulated us to live the message of the General Chapter, and strengthened us in our service to the mission. Thank you very much, Father David. (Father Ottorino Poletto, mccj).

Mons. Arellano receives an honorary doctorate

Last June, Mons. Eugenio Fernández Arellano was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Catholic University of Esmeraldas (PUCE) for his work in favour of the most vulnerable human groups in the province of Esmeraldas.

The doctorate honoris causa was awarded on the occasion of the commemoration of 42 years of institutional life of the PUCE. Father Fernando Ponce, S.J., Rector of the University, conferred the award.

The motivation reads: “Since 1977, for 45 years, Bishop Arellano has worked tirelessly for the poor, promoting education, healthcare and environmental protection”. Furthermore, “he has been a tireless supporter of the rights of indigenous populations and communities of African descent, supporting them in education, in the legalisation of lands and in the conservation of their culture”. Finally, “he exercised his ministry of service in prisons, seeking the redemption and rehabilitation of prisoners and gang members.”

In 1978, Father Arellano was sent by his superiors to the Apostolic Vicariate of Esmeraldas, in Ecuador, in the far north of San Lorenzo. In 1982 he moved to the city of Esmeraldas as parish priest of Santa Marianita where he cultivated a close relationship with the poorest families of the La Ribera neighbourhoods. On 1st July 1984, he was elected provincial superior of Ecuador.

On 1st June 1995, he was appointed Apostolic Vicar of Esmeraldas; on 25th August he was ordained bishop. On 27th April 2017, he was elected president of the Ecuadorian Episcopal Conference for the three-year period 2017-2020. On 5th July 2021, Pope Francis accepted his resignation from the pastoral governance of the Vicariate since he had reached the age limit.

After concluding his service as bishop of Esmeraldas, Msgr. Arellano asked to be sent on a mission to Tumáco, one of the poorest areas of southern Colombia; this municipality is characterised by the precarious living conditions of its inhabitants due to the poor provision of basic services such as clean drinking water and energy.

Today, Msgr. Arellano lives there, faithful to his vocation of serving the poorest, with no comforts other than those available to any other family in the area. Although his health continues to decline, his passion for mission, brotherhood and justice continues to inspire others to continue his legacy.

We remember that in February 2022, Msgr. Arellano had received the Carisma de Misión y Cooperación Award from the Spanish Confederation of Religious (Confer), “In recognition of his 26 years of work in the Vicariate of Esmeraldas at the service of Afro-descendant communities, and of his commitment to peace in an area which had its share of conflicts” (see Familia Comboniana, n. 805, March 2022).


Oh! What a Summer!

Once again, this year, in July, Oh! What a Summer! lit up the city of Verona from the beautiful park of the Comboni Missionaries in Vicolo Pozzo, in San Giovanni in Valle. This is a cultural initiative that has continued since 2006 and is organised by the Nigrizia Foundation and the Comboni Missionaries. Right in the middle of summer, it is a real celebration with the African communities and those of African descent.

There were three evenings full of events, which took place from 14th to 16th July, where it was possible to listen to music, meet the cultures of Africa, visit the African Museum, sample traditional food, visit craft stalls, be enchanted with animated readings and simply be together in a place in Verona where meeting, “different” information and multiculturalism have always been practiced. An event to encourage interaction and integration between communities and combat Afro-phobia through culture and encounter.

The first evening was dedicated to talented under-35 musicians emerging especially on the Afro scene. On the second evening, the stage was given to professional musicians. On the third and final evening, the program was very full, with lots of music, comedy and a fashion show, a consolidated and highly anticipated event.

The evening also saw the participation on stage of all the associations and craft stands present at the party, who were able to present themselves and enrich the program with their presence. During the three evenings, great appreciation was given to the food stands of the communities from Morocco, Eritrea, Guinea Conakry, Cameroon and Ghana.

Enthusiastically, the volunteers and employees of the Nigrizia Foundation welcomed the conclusion of this festival, certainly very challenging to carry out, but equally enriching.


Father Mitiku Habte Cheksa celebrates his Silver Jubilee  

Dances and shouts of jubilation characterised the Eucharistic celebration on 29th August, the memorial of the martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist, at the Risen Christ Parish of Nakwamekwi, in the diocese of Lodwar, when Father Mitiku Habte was celebrating 25 years of priesthood.

The Silver Jubilee celebration was enlivened by the presence of numerous religious men and women belonging to different institutes. The priests of the diocese were represented by Rev. Daniel Muhame, judicial vicar of the diocese and vicar of the religious of the same diocese.

Also present were Father Andrew Wanjohi, Provincial Superior of the Comboni Missionaries in Kenya, Father Pius Duniya, of the Missionary Society of St Paul, Father Gideon Goma and Christians from the parish of Christ the King of Lokichar, where Father Mitiku served when he was assigned to the diocese of Lodwar.

During the thanksgiving song, Father Mitiku could not help but dance to the typical rhythm of the songs of the Turkana festival.

Ordained a priest on 29th August 1998, Father Mitiku was sent to South Sudan where he remained for 9 years serving the people of that nation. In 2008, he went to England to follow a formation course. Soon after, he was assigned to Ethiopia, where he worked until 2015. Since 2016, he has been working in Kenya.


Perpetual profession

On 29th July, in the parish of Saint Daniel Comboni, in San Salvador (El Salvador), a special ceremony took place with the participation of a large number of faithful and in the presence of the entire provincial council. The scholastic Roger Alexander Cerritos made his perpetual profession of chastity, poverty and obedience before the provincial superior.

After many years of training in Costa Rica, in the novitiate in Mexico City and after his theology studies in Nairobi, Kenya, he happily reached the moment of his priestly ordination.

Holiness surrounds us, in San Daniele Comboni, in San Oscar Romero, in Blessed Rutilio Grande and in the lay Salvadoran martyrs, in Giuseppe Ambrosoli, recently beatified. Roger was encouraged to follow these and other saints who have marked his Comboni journey to this day.

The Province of Central America rejoices with the entire Institute for this professed son of his. We ask God that there are more and more young people who respond yes to the voice of him who calls them to the mission.


Annual Comboni Family Pilgrimage to Fatima

On Saturday 8 July, a large group of Comboni Missionaries from our communities, in the company of some Comboni Lay Missionaries, numerous Comboni Missionary Sisters and several Comboni Secular Missionaries, went to Fatima. With us, there were also several hundred lay people - men and women - from various regions of Portugal, who collaborate in our missionary work and feel motivated by our common Comboni spirit.

The usual date of our Marian pilgrimage is the last Saturday of July. This year we decided to bring it forward to the second Saturday, so that it would not coincide with World Youth Day (August 1-6), an ecclesial event destined to profoundly mark the life of the Church in Portugal.

On Saturday morning, we joined the faithful and clergy of the diocese of Coimbra - also on pilgrimage to Fatima - for the recitation of the Rosary in the Chapel of Apparitions and for the celebration of the Eucharist, presided over by the bishop of that diocese, in the (new) Basilica of the Holy Trinity.

After a packed lunch, the “Comboni pilgrims” gathered at the Paul VI Pastoral Center in Fatima for a session of missionary animation and information, animated by the Comboni Family Commission, made up of representatives of the four Comboni institutes.

In turn, each group shared with those present some of the most significant moments of the activities carried out in the current pastoral year.

The Association of Comboni Lay Missionaries, after recounting the deeply felt celebration of the 25 years of their presence in Portugal, listed their relations with the other groups of the Comboni Family in terms of service ad gentes, and set out the new guidelines for training new members.

The Comboni Missionary Sisters spoke of the efforts they are making in the difficult task of assisting the elderly sisters, and presented the new dynamics of restructuring their institute both in Portugal and in the other provinces.

The Secular missionaries shared the great joy of the birth of a new group of four young Kenyan women, who have recently made their first vows.

The Comboni Missionaries shared a presentation on Blessed Giuseppe Ambrosoli by one of the journalists they sent to Uganda for the beatification. They then introduced the Jubilees (Silver and Golden Jubilees) that some confreres will celebrate in these months. Finally, they presented the “missionary solidarity project” that they support every year as the Comboni Family. The project supported this year is in Ecuador.

The Comboni Family Commission also presented the journey being made together in the context of World Youth Day, as indicated in the theme chosen for the pilgrimage: “The mission calls. Rejoice in God and set out with Mary.”

The WYCG at World Youth Day 2023

The Comboni Family was present at the 2023 World Youth Day (WYD) in Lisbon though the initiative called The World Comboni Youth Gathering – WCYG), made up of young people from as many as seven nations: the United States, Spain, Panama, Italy, Macau, Germany, and Portugal. Altogether, there were about 140 young people and leaders who, though from different parts of the world, easily overcame the language barrier with “the language of love”.

Before separating and returning to their respective countries, on Monday 7 August, the young people of the WCYG assembled at the Comboni community of Santarém to take stock of what they experienced in Portugal, especially in Lisbon.

One of the experiences that most struck all the participants was the impressive silence “felt and experienced” in front of the Sacrament of the Eucharist during the prayer vigil on Saturday evening. Also seen as impressive were some words from the Pope, who repeatedly urged young people not to be afraid and to follow Jesus in an inclusive way: “Everyone, everyone, everyone! There is room for everyone in the Church.”

During the meeting day in Santarém, there was also a moment of individual reflection during which each young person had the opportunity to reflect on the resolutions made during WYD and to define them in a concrete way, and then share them with others in small language groups.

The last moment of this evaluation meeting was the celebration of the Eucharist, presided over by Father David Domingues, vicar general of the Comboni missionaries.


Perpetual vows and ordination to the diaconate

August 12th and 13th 2023 are unforgettable dates for the Christians of the parish of St Georges of Mongoumba, in the diocese of Mbaïki (Central African Republic). One of our young Combonians in missionary service - and adopted by the parish - made his solemn vows on Saturday the 12th and was ordained a deacon on Sunday the 13th.

Expectations were very high. The parishioners had prepared for a celebration and they were keen to make the most of it. They knew that on Saturday Esdras Bimbo Ngoabide would commit himself to following Christ “forever”, before the superior of the Comboni Missionaries, and that the following day their former parish priest, Jesús Ruiz Molina, who had become bishop of Mbaïki, would lay his hands on him and ordain him a deacon. This had never happened before in that place!

Mongoumba experienced two solemn celebrations within 24 hours, each marked by its liturgical particularity. About fifteen Comboni confreres, diocesan priests and priests of other religious institutes priests concelebrated the Mass of solemn vows, presided over by Father Victor-Hugo Castillo.

In his homily, Father Victor-Hugo helped those present to tune into the path that Esdras has travelled since he felt called and began to seek God’s will in his life. It was a journey of growth, of hardships and temptations, of decisions and beautiful testimonies encountered during his eleven years of training. Father Victor-Hugo invited Esdras to treasure these good testimonies and become a servant of his brothers and sisters, without exclusivism and according to the charism of St. Daniel Comboni.

The next day, during the diaconal ordination, Esdras was surrounded by 25 priests. In his homily, Msgr. Jesús Ruiz invited him to become a friend and servant of the poorest and most abandoned, not to be afraid and to place his trust in the Lord who called him.

At the end of the celebration, Father Victor-Hugo spoke and kept the numerous faithful in suspense, because, addressing the new deacon, he told him that the period of missionary service was over and the time had come for his first assignment.

All those present held their breath until Father Victor-Hugo said: “The parish to which I am sending you has great wealth that you must guard well with all your strength. I am speaking of the parish … Saint Georges in Mongoumba!”. The congregation exploded in a cry of joy and rose to their feet in a real standing ovation, songs, ululations of joy and dancing.

There is something extraordinary about our Christians – and people, in general – in the Central African Republic: joy. The joy of meeting one another, of celebrating, of being together. And we feel challenged by this richness, which is a treasure to be safeguarded and which gives meaning to our mission.

Thank you, Mongoumba, for the joy of your Christians and all your inhabitants! (Father Victor-Hugo Castillo Matarrita, mccj)


THE FATHER: Martin Ngartambaye, of Fr Alfred Mbaïdjide (TCH).

THE MOTHERS: Magdalena Giacomin, of Fr Alcides Costa (E); Rita, of Mons. Damiano Guzzetti (U); Maria, of Fr Renzo Piazza (I).

THE BROTHERS: Gianni, of Fr Giuseppe Brunelli (I) and Sr Anna (CMS in RD Congo) (I); Mariano, of Fr Ignacio López Toro (M); Miguel Ángel, of Fr Luis Francisco Arellano Pérez (M); Domenico, of Bro Giuseppe Lagattolla (I).

THE SISTER: Teresa Battistella, of Fr Alfonso Zulianello (T).

THE COMBONI MISSIONARY SISTERS: Sr. Iolanda Mazzocchi (I); Sr. M. Angela Colombara (I); Sr Claudina Racano (I); Sr. M. Maddalena Vergis (I).