GENERAL NOTES 30TH Consulta (September 2024)

Appointments by the Holy See

On 5th September 2024, the Holy Father appointed Father Víctor-Hugo Castillo Matarrita, Bishop of the Diocese of Kaga-Bandoro, in the Central African Republic. Congratulations to the new bishop with our prayers for his new ministry.

Appointments by the General Council

  • On 25th September 2024, the Superior General, having heard the view of his council, appointed Father Cosimo De Iaco Postulator General of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus as from 1.10.2024. Father De Iaco will continue his service as procurator general until a possible replacement is found. The Council thanks Father Arnaldo Baritussio for his many years of service to the Institute as postulator and procurator general. Father Baritussio is still available to carry out functions of consultation at the General Postulate in specific concerns requested by Father De Iaco.
  • On 25th September 2024, the Superior General, having examined the results of the elections completed and having heard the view of his Council, appointed Father Likingi Wasato Henry Vice Provincial of the Province of Congo as from 25.9.2024 until the end of the mandate of the current administration (i.e. 31.12.2025).

XI Meeting of Comboni Bishops

The meeting of the Comboni Bishops took place in Rome, at the Generalate, from 17th to 24th September 2024: 12 of them participated in person, while the others sent a message through a video call or voice and written messages. It was a beautiful opportunity to share the experiences of their respective dioceses and reflect together on the new challenges of the mission. At the end of their meeting, the bishops sent a message to all the members of the Comboni Family, in which they expressed their gratitude to the Comboni Institute and words of encouragement to continue the missionary work together, animated by the hope founded in Jesus Christ.

Novitiate of Magambe – Isiro (Congo)

The General Council, considering the suggestion of the ASCAF circumscription superiors to have only two novitiates and to close the one in Magambe, has decided to close it starting on 1st June 2024. The GC thanks the province of Congo which has hosted this novitiate for French-speaking Africa for many years.

Central African Republic

The General Council, taking note of the appointment as bishop of Mgr. Víctor-Hugo Castillo Matarrita, former delegate of the RCA delegation, called a special assembly of the delegation in which the General Assistant in charge of ASCAF participated. The assembly had as its objective listening and dialogue with the confreres and organising a survey process in view of the appointment of the new delegate, who will exercise his service until 31st December 2025, the normal end of the mandate of the current administration.


At the General Assembly of Formation, held in Rome from 8th to 27th July 2024, the importance of the “use of the means of communication and information in the context of Comboni formation” was discussed. At the same time, a study was presented that reflects the current situation of our 49 formation communities regarding the use of the means of communication and their presence in the “digital continent” in an official way. The study offered some practical suggestions, starting from some good practices already present in some formation communities.

The General Council recommends that these texts be the object of reflection by the formators and the formandi during this academic year. To this end, the General Secretary of Formation will send the texts (in Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese) to the superiors of the circumscriptions and those responsible for formation.

Greater investment in the sector of communication and a more significant and constant presence in the multiple platforms for the dissemination of digital information would help us to reach a wider audience, especially young people.

General Assembly of Formation

More than fifty brothers participated in the general assembly of formation from 8th to 27th July 2024. In three weeks of mutual listening, prayer, sharing and debate on experiences, five priorities were identified: spirituality-missionary identity, the requalification of formation, discernment starting from vocations promotion and along the different stages of formation, the Educational Model of Integration and the formation of Brothers. In addition to these priorities, three other issues were highlighted: formation in economy to live the vow of poverty; formation in the mass media and their wise, responsible and missionary use, and the ongoing formation of the formators. The assembly is part of the process that the Institute is carrying out in terms of reviewing and requalifying formation, aware that today's challenges await a courageous response.

Bursars’ Formation Meeting

From 28th October to 8th November 2024, the economics course will be held in Rome. It is a course open to all confreres, in particular to those who will assume the service of provincial treasurer.

Given the difficulty that the Institute has in finding qualified confreres for the economics sector, the General Council encourages all the circumscriptions to identify confreres available to commit themselves in this sector.

We know that economics is a strategic sector for the circumscriptions and, considering the socioeconomic changes in all countries and the realities of the circumscriptions themselves, it is of capital importance to raise the skills of the confreres to understand the complexity of the situation and contribute to the generation and consolidation of those economic innovations that are part of the driving force of sustainability.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for all our councils (general, district and community) to find themselves experiencing first-hand that there are administrative managements among us with reduced efficiency, frequent errors, increased costs, difficulty in making informed decisions, non-compliance with regulations, and above all difficulty in growing in the ability to self-sustain and face new challenges.

Meeting with the General Council of the Comboni Missionary Sisters

On 13th September, the two General Councils met for their annual meeting at the Generalate of the Comboni Missionary Sisters. It was an opportunity to share the common reality that we are living in Sudan and the commitment that we are carrying out in some common ministries. It was also an opportunity to learn about the paths that each institute is following.

The Next Consulta

The next consulta, an extraordinary one, will be held from 4th to 8th November.

Visits and commitments of the members of the General Council

Fr. Tesfaye Tadesse Gebresilasie

  • 29 September – 27 October: taking part in the Synod

Brother Alberto Lamana

  • From 1 to 31 October: visiting the Province of Uganda

Fr. David Costa Domingues

  • From 2 October to 2 November: visiting the Delegation of Asia

Fr. Luigi Codianni

  • From 5 October to 2 November: visiting the London Province and the Assembly of Provincials of Europe

Fr. Elias Sindjalim Essognimam

  • From 3 to 31 October: visiting the Province of Congo

Holy Redeemer Guild

October           01 – 07 RCA        08 – 15 TCH           16 – 31 RSA

November       01 – 15 SS           16 – 30 T

Prayer Intentions

October – That the synodal Church encouraged by Pope Francis may strengthen the vocation and participation of all the baptised and especially our missionary commitment as the Comboni Family. Let us pray.

November – That the Comboni Family, rooted in hope and joy, may accompany the young people who are preparing to live the 39th World Youth Day, supporting their search for happiness and fullness, and helping them to become protagonists of a new humanity. Let us pray.

Comboni Liturgical Calendar



Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church, Patron of the missions



Saint Daniel Comboni, bishop,

Founder of the Comboni Family



Blessed David Okelo and Gildo Irwa, martyrs

Optional memorial.

(North Uganda)


Commemoration of deceased confreres, relatives and benefactors

Date to be decided

Meaningful anniversaries



Our Lady of Aparecida



Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin



Saints Jean de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, priests and companions, martyrs

United States and Canada




Our Lady of Quinche



Alessio Geraci mccj, Reflexiones a quemarropa para creyentes de hoy, 2024, pp. 154, Centro de Estudios y Publicaciones, Instituto Bartolomé de las Casas, Lima, Perù. Two years after the publication of Buenas noticias en tiempo de pandemia (August 2022), in which the author asked: “How is God speaking to us in this moment?”, here is the very recent new volume in which Father Alessio, a missionary in Peru, focuses on other questions: How can we form Christian communities of “missionary disciples”, men and women who know how to announce the Kingdom of God with joy, passion, enthusiasm and courage, concretely demonstrating that the God in whom we believe and whom we announce is the God of Life? How can we be credible believers in today’s “epochal change”, knowing how to read the “signs of the times” and living synodality to the full? The author shares some of his “point-blank” reflections – supported by numerous observations by Pope Francis and thinking, in particular, of the Peruvian Church – trying to answer these and other questions, born from his pastoral experience in these first years of his missionary priestly ministry.


Comboni Year of Ongoing Formation opens in Rome

The Comboni Year of Ongoing Formation (ACFP) 2024-25 officially began on September 23, 2024. Eighteen Comboni Missionaries, sixteen fathers and two brothers, from twelve Provinces, will walk together for about eight months “towards more life,” as the motto of this year’s course says.

In the mass that inaugurated this journey, Father Tesfaye Tadesse, Superior General of the Comboni Missionaries, recalled the importance of this initiative, in which missionaries are invited to participate after 10-15 years of mission, to reread their missionary experience – in the light of the Word and the Comboni charism – and then return to the mission with more strength and energy. Father Tesfaye emphasised that this journey is a gift and a privilege, considering that many lay people would also like to be able to stop for such a long time, to renew their strength, and cannot do so.

In the initial week, the two members of the Ongoing Formation Commission – Father Alberto Silva and Brother Alberto Degan – presented the formation charter that, after an overview of the history of the Comboni Year, explains the formation proposal of the course, which focuses on four ‘pillars’: the deepening of the relationship with God and his Word; a renewed encounter with Saint Daniel Comboni and with our Institute, the review of one’s missionary experience and a deepening of the challenges of today’s mission; and greater self-knowledge in truth, acceptance and integration.

A fundamental element of this journey will be the experiential sharing among the eighteen participants, who already in this first week had the opportunity to share their expectations regarding the course. Here is what one participant said about the journey that awaits them: “I hope to be able to reconnect with myself, to relate more deeply with the person of Comboni and with Christ, the master of the Mission”.

The first week of the Comboni Year will end with a Mass celebrated in the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.

The second week will see the start of the conferences. The Comboni Year will count on the collaboration of about 30 speakers, some Comboni missionaries and some not.

Three words sum up the meaning of this sabbatical period: gift, right and duty. The Comboni Year is first of all a gift, that is, a period of grace, offered to all Comboni Missionaries who are in the “mid-life” stage; it is a right, in the sense that all Comboni missionaries have the right to participate in this journey to renew their motivation and their energy; and it is a duty, in the sense that the participants are called to live this journey with a participatory and responsible attitude and then return among their people with renewed commitment.

Let us pray for these confreres so that they can fully live this experience of growth and renewal.


Visit to the Province by Fr David Costa Domingues

From 13th July to 22nd August 2024, the Province of Brazil received the official visit of Father David Costa Domingues, Vicar General. Father David visited all 14 Comboni communities, including the houses of formation (postulancy and scholasticate), the parishes, the projects and the movements that the confreres accompany.

During the visit, the Vicar had a personal meeting with each confrere and, subsequently, a meeting with all the members of each community gathered together. Depending on the circumstances, there was also a meeting with those responsible for human promotion projects, the pastoral leaders of the parishes, the bishops of the local Churches, the religious men and women, the Comboni Missionary Sisters and the Comboni Lay Missionaries.

In each meeting, Father David took the opportunity to thank, animate and encourage each confrere and each community, and also to motivate in a missionary way the leaders of the ecclesial communities, of the projects of human promotion and integral ecology, and of the human rights centres that he visited.

Finally, he met with the provincial council to share his impressions of what he heard and saw. Father David said: «The simple lifestyle of the Comboni communities is what brings them closest to the reality of the people among whom they are inserted».

Father David thanked Father Raimundo Nonato Rocha dos Santos, Provincial Superior since January 2023, for accompanying him throughout the visit and for helping him understand the different local realities and the work of the Comboni Missionaries in the Province. He also expressed his gratitude for the good organisation of the visit and for the fraternal welcome he received.

Father Raimundo said that this visit «offered moments of communion and great sharing on the current life of the institute and the Comboni mission today, especially in Brazilian territory». He added: “I think Father David was satisfied to see the fruits of the work we are doing in our province and, in particular, to have met personally and as a community the confreres and the people with whom they collaborate, both in the parishes and in the ongoing social projects. In this way, he was able to see that the Combonians enjoy esteem and credibility from both the bishops and the people with whom they work.” Finally, Father Raimundo thanked Father David for the visit and for all the support that the province receives from the General Council.

St. Daniel Comboni Chosen as the Patron Saint of a Missionary Area in the outskirts of Manaus

The Comboni missionaries arrived in Manaus, Amazonia, Brazil, in 2006, and the Archdiocese of Manaus, on December 13 of that year, entrusted them with the pastoral care of a peripheral mission area in the city neighbourhood of Monte das Oliveiras.

In Brazil, mission areas differ from parishes both in the missionary spirit that animates them and in their organisation. A mission area does not have a ‘mother church’, being composed of autonomous communities that live in communion. The Monte das Oliveiras community brings together fifteen communities and is known by the name of the neighbourhood.

Earlier this year, the fifteen communities, gathered in a council, began a decision-making process aimed at gathering information, evaluating alternatives and making a final choice in order to make the best possible decision on who could be the ‘Patron Saint’ of their mission area. On 26th August, most of the communities chose St. Daniel Comboni, and the Auxiliary Bishop of Manaus, Mgr. Zenildo Lima da Silva validated the choice.

The communities are now preparing to celebrate the first feast of their Patron Saint, on October 10, the liturgical memorial (for them the ‘feast’) of St. Daniel Comboni.

Today in Brazil there are three parishes (Guriri, in the State of Espírito Santo; Salvador, in the State of Bahia; São Luís, in the State of Maranhão) and a missionary area that have St. Daniel Comboni as their patron. There are also many Christian communities that proudly bear the name of this saint and missionary prophet.

We believe that through the intercession of St. Daniel Comboni, our missionary service rendered to these communities will be able to grow in fidelity to the charism of the Founder for the good of the people of this region, entrusted to the pastoral care of our Institute. (Father Raimundo Nonato Rocha dos Santos, mccj)


Webinar on Interreligious Dialogue and Islam in Africa

A Webinar on interreligious dialogue and Islam in Africa was held from 9 to 11 September, organised by Father Mbuthia Simon Mwaura, director of Dar Comboni, Father Diego Dalle Carbonare, APDESAM reference person for the sector of interreligious dialogue, assisted by the General Secretariat of the Mission.

The Webinar, held in English with translation into French, was open to all interested confreres and saw the participation of over twenty confreres working in Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Benin, Italy, Mozambique and Mexico. The interactive online event was an opportunity for enrichment and updating on the different realities of dialogue with Islam in the various countries of Africa.

During the first day, the testimony of a West African religious man, coming from a Muslim family, opened some important considerations on the fact that dialogue is a process – often very long – and a path of conversion to peace and tolerance that often takes years, especially when faith is mixed with social dynamics and political interests.

During the second and third days, instead, the reality of Islam in Africa was presented, with its different dynamics and stories of development. Certainly, dialogue with Islam questions us Christians on the quality of our pastoral work. A very important part of the workshop was the sharing of different experiences of dialogue.

While in some nations the interreligious dialogue that we carry forward takes the form of the ‘dialogue of life’, especially through schools in which we educate in tolerance and mutual respect, in other nations, such as Mozambique and Kenya, we have access to forms of dialogue that include reflection and research at university level (‘dialogue of theological exchanges and religious experience’), promoting the ‘culture of dialogue’ between cultures and the search for the common good.

A very important field of action for dialogue is the search for ethical criteria with which it is possible to develop, in the different countries of Africa, legislation that protects the rights of all religious groups, without discrimination.

The Webinar concluded with the desire of all participants to repeat this experience of reflection and sharing, possibly extending participation to more provinces and also to the Comboni Sisters. (Father Diego Dalle Carbonare, mccj)

The Comboni community in Beirut (Lebanon)

The Comboni Province of Egypt-Sudan has a formation community near Beirut, Lebanon. Father Diego Dalle Carbonare, Provincial Superior, visited the community – composed of five scholastics and a formator – to see for himself the situation in which the brothers find themselves.

According to the United Nations, there have already been over 720 deaths in Lebanon and 211,000 displaced people since last Monday, when the conflict in the Middle East escalated with Israeli raids on Lebanese territory.

On Saturday, 28th September, Father Diego sent us the following message from Beirut.

«This time I am not sending you the ‘war bulletin’ from Sudan (where, in any case, the war continues, even though the media have forgotten about it), but from Lebanon, where I arrived last week to visit our scholastics and their formator. In the meantime, I took the opportunity to do spiritual exercises in a Jesuit house on the border with Syria, in the Zahle area. Despite the silence of the exercises, we have heard more than once at night – and today even in broad daylight – some explosions, but all far from us.

From what we are given to understand, the ongoing attacks are only happening in strategic places. Lebanon is a small country, but divided into zones, and therefore, for those who do not live in the Shiite area, life seems to go on normally. We are north of Beirut, in a Christian area, and we are far from the explosions of the missiles and the columns of smoke rising south of the city.

Even today, however, as we were returning home along the main highway of the country, which runs along by the sea from south to north, we saw with our own eyes that, for every 4 or 5 cars headed north, one was a Shiite fleeing the war zone: cars and trucks packed with women, children, suitcases and mattresses, all fleeing north. Where exactly? Each family has its own destination on these journeys of hope.

As always, in the face of any kind of war, the question is: “Why? For what purpose? For whom?”. Lebanon is a pearl of rare beauty, but the cruelty of the powerful knows no reason. As always, I ask you for prayers. (Father Diego Dalle Carbonare, mccj)


Castel Volturno – City Council approves a Comboni social project

On Wednesday, 4th September, the City Council of Castel Volturno approved a project by the Black and White Association, in which the Comboni Missionaries who work here are also directly involved. It is a sport, culture, music, art and theatre centre that will be opened in the most depressed area of the municipality, in which there are no municipal services or other presences that bring relief and support to the thousands of citizens present. The work carried out by the Black and White association and by the Combonians - Fathers Daniele Moschetti, Daniel Gbedenya Kodzo and Filippo Ivardi Ganapini - who have worked and still work today in this area of the province of Caserta has been the subject of praise and thanks on several occasions by the city councillors and the mayor himself, Pasquale Marrandino. Special recognition was awarded to Father Moschetti for his dedication and deep involvement in the proposed project to build a multipurpose sports centre, in an area of about 3 thousand square meters, which was approved unanimously during the same city council meeting. Immediately after the city council meeting, Father Moschetti expressed his satisfaction with the following words: “We are happy with all this because the approval comes after a journey of about four years. We were present with a fine group of members, parents, children and friends. Continue to follow us and to be in solidarity with so many men, women and children who come from other lands and whom we humbly try to serve with love and passion, so that they may have more and more dignity, rights and respect, and be considered truly brothers and sisters in the eyes of the world and all unique children in the eyes of God.”

Afrobrix – 5th Edition of the Afrodescendant Festival

As usual, for 5 years now, the fifth annual edition of Afrobrix, the first Italian festival dedicated to Afro-descendants, took place in Brescia from 6th to 8th September. Music, culture, art and cinema to enhance Afro-descendant and Afro-European realities starting from the socio-cultural context in which they live and, for the last year, in line with the decade dedicated to Afro-descendant people declared by the United Nations.

The mission of Afrobrix aims, on the one hand, to develop multiculturalism, understood as multiple cultural and identity belonging, and, on the other, to promote inclusion and interaction between 2G (second generation) communities and the citizens of Brescia. Afrobrix expresses the beauty and importance of Afro-descendants as a heterogeneous, multifaceted and complex social component, a force capable of enriching and transforming culture, art and societies as a whole.

For three days, Afrobrix consisted mainly of music, crafts and African food. Music is a vehicle for the message of Afrobrix, which is also a centre for socio-cultural and artistic activities at the house of the Comboni missionaries in Brescia.

The Afrobrix manifesto states: «We are a heterogeneous group of passionate people and professionals in fields ranging from music to cinema to social services, all united by a love for communication, creativity and social justice. Our union is founded not ‘despite’, but ‘in virtue of’ our differences. After the experience of the festival of the same name – the first of its kind in our city – the Afrobrix Centre was born in 2021 with the support of partners such as Fondazione Nigrizia».

To learn more about Afrobrix, visit the website

A new Comboni mission experience in Milan

“Dear faithful, I am writing to you to inform you officially that the Diocese has implemented the proposal to entrust the pastoral care of your community to the Comboni priests, missionaries by special vocation, as I mentioned in the meeting, I had with some of you a few months ago.” This is how the letter from Monsignor Giuseppe Vegezzi, Episcopal Vicar of Zone 1 of the Archdiocese of Milan, began, which reached the faithful of the parish of St. John Chrysostom, in Via Padova, on the second Sunday of last August.

As you can imagine, this is the conclusion of a journey, begun months earlier, undertaken by the Archdiocese of Milan and the Comboni missionaries, with the full involvement of the parish community. The letter invited the parish community to participate in the celebration of the installation of the new parish priest, Father Stefano Fazion, on 15th September 2024, the day of the parish celebration of its patron St. John Chrysostom.

The Christian community immediately understood that a new journey was beginning for them. In fact, at the beginning of the celebration, the spokesman thanked Archbishop Mario Delpini “for the care and attention he has shown towards [this] parish and [this] territory, and for the trust he has given them with the gift of the Comboni missionaries, who for the first time are taking on the responsibility of a parish in the archdiocese of Milan.”

This celebration was attended by several hundred of the faithful, including a group of Comboni Laymen and some Comboni Sisters, and was presided over by the Episcopal Vicar himself.

In his homily, Monsignor Vegezzi invited the new parish priest to be close to the people of God entrusted to him, not seeking compromises, but the truth that liberates and saves. He also reminded him that in the new ‘mission land’ of the archdiocese of Milan, in continuous change, he will certainly not have the crowds he had in the mission of the Central African Republic that he has just left. For this reason, the prelate invited him to practice patience.

At the end of the celebration, Father Fabio Baldan, Superior of the Comboni missionaries in Italy, thanked the diocese for the journey made and the parish community for the welcome they gave us. Father Fabio then presented the Comboni Family in its various components.

The Eucharistic celebration was followed by a shared festive moment that saw the contribution of the different ethnic groups present in the territory.

In addition to Father Stefano Fazion, the new Comboni community is composed of Fathers Raoul Sohouénou and Esdras Bimbo, and Brother Gianluigi Quaranta.

Medal of Honour awarded to Brother Fischnaller

On Saturday, 21st September, Brother Erich Fischnaller received the Medal of Honor from Monsignor Ivo Muser, Bishop of Bolzano-Bressanone, in recognition of his social and missionary work in serving the most needy. This diocesan honour is awarded each year to people who have distinguished themselves in service to the local community. The awarding of the honours traditionally closes, at the Cusano Academy in Bressanone, the Pastoral Convention for the launch of a new pastoral season of the South Tyrolean Church. The names of the candidates are proposed annually to the bishop by the Catholic associations and the Pastoral Council who, in this way, intend to say thank you to people who have distinguished themselves in a particular way in voluntary service at the diocesan level in favour of the local community. Brother Erich, born on 30th May 1949, in Rio Pusteria-Mühlbach, in Alto Adige, northern Italy, has been working in Africa for 50 years, first in South Africa and, since 2004, in South Sudan, providing professional training in various villages and starting the construction of schools and workshops that have given a perspective to many young Africans. In 2017, amid the civil war, he helped hundreds of people flee to Uganda. This year, he celebrated his half-century of mission in his hometown of Alto Adige but has already returned amongst the refugees in Africa.


First Continental Meeting of Brothers operating in Africa

From 26th to 31st August 2024, the first continental meeting of the Comboni Missionary Brothers working in Africa took place in Nairobi. The event involved thirty brothers from different provinces of the continent, including Togo, Congo, Chad, South Sudan, Malawi-Zambia, Mozambique, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa and Uganda. The participants reflected on the meaning of the mission in a constantly evolving world.

The meeting saw the participation of key figures, such as Brother Alberto Lamana, General Assistant, and Father John Baptist Opargiw, Provincial Superior of South Africa, who helped to underline the importance of the event and the commitment of the Comboni Institute in the future of the mission.

The various sessions addressed crucial themes. Brother Dzinekou Yawovi Jonas presented an overview of the evolution of the Comboni mission, highlighting the need to adapt missionary strategies to current challenges. Next, Brothers Jean Marie Mwamba and Patrick Lumami spoke about the importance of ongoing formation, highlighting how it must evolve to prepare missionaries for the complexities of modern missions.

Brother Christophe Yata spoke about sustainability, focusing on innovative strategies to ensure the long-term viability of the mission, in a context of limited resources and changing socioeconomic conditions.

Brother Alberto Lamana provided an analysis of the situation of the Brothers in the Institute, identifying challenges and opportunities for the future. The topic of the merger of circumscriptions was addressed by Father Opargiw, who discussed the potential benefits and challenges of a reorganisation of missionary structures.

Group discussions that followed the presentations fostered an exchange of ideas and experiences, allowing participants to reflect on practical solutions to address the challenges of the mission. A recurring theme was the need to adapt to change, without losing sight of the core values ​​of the Comboni Missionaries.

The meeting concluded with the definition of practical resolutions, including the improvement of formation, adopting sustainable practices, and exploring new organisational structures to strengthen the effectiveness and visibility of the mission. This historic meeting was an important milestone for the Comboni Brothers in Africa, paving the way for new strategies to face future challenges with an innovative spirit and perseverance. (Father Christopher Silwembe, mccj – summarised text).


THE FATHER: Jean-Chrysostome, of the scholastic Fiston Muhindo (EGSD).

THE MOTHERS: Celeste, of Father Fidelino Jardim (U); Ermelinda, of Father Paulo Emanuel Loureiro da Silva (P).

THE BROTHERS: Carlo, of Brother Guerrino and Brother Gino Baldo (I); Lino of Brother Giuseppe Zamboni (†).

THE SISTER: Anita, of Father Benno Singer (†).

THE COMBONI MISSIONARY SISTERS: Sr. Pia Ausilia Di Pietro, Sr. M. Sarina Nici.