GENERAL NOTES OF THE 28TH CONSULTA (extraordinary), 2-3 July 2024

Appointments by the Holy See

On 3rd July 2024, the Holy Father erected the Diocese of Bentiu (South Sudan), with territory taken from the Diocese of Malakal, making it a suffragan of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Juba, and appointed its first Bishop H.E. Mons. Christian Carlassare, MCCJ, hitherto Bishop of Rumbek. We congratulate Mons. Christian Carlassare and assure him of our constant prayers, our continued remembrance and our closeness to him in his new episcopal ministry in Bentiu.

Appointments by the General Council

  • On 2nd July 2024, the GC appointed Fr. Otieno Onesmas Godfrey as the second formator at the scholasticate of Casavatore.
  • On 2nd July 2024, the GC appointed Fr. Zieliński Maciej Mikolaj as a technical member of the Financial Council (as the representative of the APDESAM provinces) for a second mandate, from 1.7.2024 to 30.6.2027.

Intercapitular 2025

To enable all the Superiors of the circumscriptions to plan the institutional activities of the next year, the GC announces that the next Intercapitular Assembly is scheduled for September 2025. Details of the exact dates of the start and end of the Assembly and the draft program will be made available by the end of 2024.

Next Consulta in September

Since Father General will have to participate in the second phase of the Synod of Bishops, the GC has brought forward the date of the Ordinary Autumn Consulta: from 5th to 27th September. Provincials who have questions to submit to the consultation are asked to send them to Rome in good time.

Journeys and absences of the members of the General Council

Fr. Tesfaye Tadesse Gebresilasie

  • 29 September – 27 October: taking part in the Synod

Bro Alberto Lamana

  • 14 July – 5 August: visiting the Province of Mozambique
  • 26 – 31 August: Meeting of APDESAM Brothers in Nairobi
  • The entire month of October: visiting the Province of Uganda

Fr. David Costa Domingues

  • 12 July – 22 August: visiting the Province of Brazil
  • 2 October – 2 November: visiting the Delegation of Asia

Fr. Luigi Codianni

  • 23 July – 6 August: visiting the Province of Mozambique
  • 5 October – 2 November: visiting the London province and the Assembly of the Provincials of Europe

Fr. Elias Sindjalim Essognimam

  • 3 – 31 October: visiting the Province of Congo

Perpetual Professions

Agnimaka Kodjovi Abraham

Lomé (TGB)


Atsou Kokuvi Elom Joseph

Lomé (TGB)


Awudi Atsu Augustine

Lomé (TGB)


Dodor Yawovi Amétépé Jacques

Lomé (TGB)


Ocloo Komla Elisée

Cacaveli (TGB)


Likonye Emmanuel

Acornhoek (RSA)


Vázquez Hernández Felipe de Jesús

Metlatonóc (MEX)


Kangite Wolima François d’Assise

Yanonge (CN)


Mumbere Kahongya Mapenzi

Yanonge (CN)


Beyokomu Anotengo Remy

Yanonge (CN)


Lokengi Mputu Jean Marie Vianney

Mungbere (CN)


Mwangi Samuel Ngugi

Nairobi (KE)


Masanjala Hendreson Halord

Lusaka (MZ)


Holy Redeemer Guild

September      01 – 15 NAP        16 – 30 PCA

October           01 – 07 RCA        08 – 15 TCH           16 – 31 RSA

Prayer Intentions

September – For the Secular Comboni Missionaries who, from 20th September to 1st October are celebrating their Extraordinary General Assembly for the approval of their renewed and updated Constitution. May the Holy Spirit accompany them so that the event may be a sign of renewal and new vitality for their mission in the Church and in the world. Lord, hear us.

October – That the Synodal Church, encouraged by Pope Francis, may strengthen the vocation and participation of all the baptised, and especially our commitment as the Comboni Family. Lord, hear us.

Comboni liturgical calendar



Saint Peter Claver, priest – Patron of the Institute




Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, virgin and doctor of the Church, Patron of the missions



Saint Daniele Comboni, bishop,

Founder of the Comboni Family



BB. David Okelo and Blessed Gildo Irwa, martyrs

Opt. Mem.

(North Uganda)

Significant anniversaries



Saint Peter Claver, priest

Patron of the Institute




Exaltation of the Holy Cross

All places



Our Lady of Aparecida



Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin



SS. John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, priests and companions, martyrs

United States Canada


Guido Oliana, mccj, The Liturgy – Source and Summit of the Life of the Church. Explorations in Liturgical Theology, Paulines Publications Africa, Nairobi, 2024, 515 pages. This volume is fundamentally concerned with two theological dimensions: revelation and the actualisation of the mystery of Christ. In a word, it takes on ‘revelation in action’. The living realities on which systematic or dogmatic theology reflects – the One and Triune God, Christ, the Spirit, the Church, grace, anthropology, creation, eschatology etc. – are present as efficacious spiritual energies in the celebration of the liturgy, in the spiritual fruits it prepares which derive from and also endure after it. The interaction between liturgy and theology is traditionally expressed by the term mystagogy, that is the ‘Initiation into the mysteries’ through an experiential journey that introduces into the mystery of Christ in its dual modality of revelation and actualisation in the liturgical celebration.


Meeting of the Code of Conduct Central Committee

The Central Commission of the Code of Conduct met via Zoom on 5th July 2024, at 5:00 PM, Rome time. Present were Father Rafael Gonzalez Ponce, Father Jeremias dos Santos Martins, Father Fidèle Katsan Fodagni, Father Markus Lorenz Körber, and Father David Costa Domingues (Vicar General).

After the prayer led by Fr. David, the members followed the agenda proposed by the coordinator of the Commission, Fr. Rafael.

The Vicar General greeted those present and provided some information regarding the ongoing process of the revision of our Code of Conduct. The main points addressed in this meeting were:

  1. The reading and correction of a text proposed by Fr. Jeremias based on the various suggestions made by the members of the Commission.
  2. The discussion of the suggestions presented by Fr. Rafael for the elaboration of a Guide (protocol) regarding cases of child abuse.

The commission focused mainly on the first point. The proposed document was read and corrected up to No. 103. The correction work was facilitated by a letter prepared by Ft. Jeremias, with indications on the text.

In preparation for the next meeting, some members of the commission were entrusted with the following tasks: the preparation of a text on the phenomenon of homosexuality, which takes into account the position of the Church and shows the orientation of our Institute; the preparation of a text on spiritual and conscience abuse; the checking of citations.

The commission concluded the meeting at 8:15 PM, after three hours of work, with prayer, led by Fr. Rafael, to Our Lady of Guadalupe. The next meeting via Zoom will be held on September 4, 2024. (Fr. Fidèle Katsan, mccj)


General Assembly of Formation

From 8th to 27th July, the General Assembly of Formation (AGF) took place at the General Curia in Rome. The formators of the scholasticates and novitiates participated, along with representatives of the formators of the postulancies. The assembly had this theme: “The review of formation as a journey, to be rooted in Christ in the footsteps of Comboni”.

Father Tesfaye Tadesse, Superior General, welcoming the participants, expressed the hope that “this assembly will be a meeting of mutual knowledge and fraternity among the formators, to find common lines of action that respond to the current needs of the formation of our young candidates in the different formative contexts.”

The Secretary General of Formation, Father José de Jesús Villaseñor Gálvez, recalling how the last General Chapter (2022) asked for “the revision of formation in view of the mission”, said: “We will therefore have to focus on the elements of our formative journey that need to change in view of the greater effectiveness of the mission today, in fidelity to our Comboni charism.”

On the morning of the second day, the interventions of the members of the General Council outlined the commitments of the Institute in the field of formation in the light of the Chapter documents. The letter that the GC sent to the formators and provincial superiors was presented, with the hope that it be brought to the attention of all the confreres. The letter recognises how the sector of formation is marked by some challenges, including: weak spirituality, poor Comboni missionary identification, poor community life, dependencies, the immature affective dimension, difficulty in assuming qualified services, and the economic dimension... Hence, the urgency of continuing the process of reviewing and verifying basic formation.

In the afternoon, the General Secretary, Brother Daniele Giusti, focused on the information system of formation, underlining the importance of the fact that information must be taken care of in detail, documented and transmitted in the right way, at the right time and to the right person.

On Thursday, 11th July, Father Elias Sindjalim, General Assistant, presented the summary of the responses to the questionnaire on formation, prepared in light of the last General Chapter, specifying: “The context of our Assembly is listening to the reality of Comboni formation from different points of view: the General Council, the relationship with God, with ourselves and with the young people in formation; the questionnaire, in which the confreres reported their reflection on our formation; the XIX General Chapter and the Continental Assemblies of Formation; the point of view of this Assembly, as it will develop over the next few days.”

The work of Friday, 12th  July, was led by the General Secretariat of the Mission. Three themes were presented: the mission in the XIX General Chapter and formation (Father Fernando González Galarza, General Secretary of the Mission); the mission and integral ecology (Brother Alberto Parise); the means of communication and Comboni formation (Father Arlindo Pinto). The website, managed by the Secretariat of the Mission, was presented. It offers various resources and is a space for reflection among the Comboni Missionaries. There is also a guide to joining the Laudato Si’ Platform and some useful factsheets on Integral Ecology.

On Saturday morning, 13th July, Brother Alberto Lamana, General Assistant, presented a reflection on the reality and future perspective of the Comboni Brothers today. Two testimonies followed: a) that of Brother Abel Dimanche, on the role played by the Comboni Work for Human Promotion (OCPU) in Guayaquil (Ecuador) in the sectors of missionary animation, Afro pastoral care and JPIC; b) that of Brother Christopher Yata, on the current reality of the ‘Brothers in Africa’ and their commitments in education, health, training, human development, youth, administration, missionary animation, and communication. The second week focused on ongoing formation. Father Fernando reiterated “the urgency of a new impetus for formation, which passes through a credible testimony that goes beyond catechesis or an academic-formative program. We are called ‘to feel with our hearts’ the needs of young people in formation, who cry out and ask for new tools of formation.”

The first two days of the week focused on two themes: synodality and the digital world. Two external experts were invited to animate the two days. Professor Serena Noceti urged participants to form and be formed “in a synodal Church and for a synodal Church,” forcefully reiterating that synodality is an essential dimension of the Church: “We must move from an idea of formation centred on the individual to ‘synodal’ formation, that is, centred on the community and on walking together.” After Professor Noceti, Father Elias Sindjalim sought to underline the importance of training the interiority of the person in formation, following the Educational Method of Integration (MEI), which is the method adopted by the Comboni Institute.

On Tuesday, July 16, Donato Lacedonio, a Salesian and professor of Social Communication Sciences at the Pontifical Salesian University, discussed the topic ‘Education and the digital world: risks and opportunities’. He stated that “digital is a great achievement, but ethics are needed; young people are the protagonists of this increasingly connected world, where, through social media, a digital citizenship is being built.” Father Lacedonio focused on social networks and the panorama they offer: on the one hand, they facilitate human relationships; on the other, “they can lead to polarisations and divisions between individuals and groups”. Faced with this, we must “choose how to use them, to get closer or further away from others.”

On the morning of July 17, Father Alberto de Oliveira Silva, coordinator of ongoing formation in Rome, presented the vision of ongoing formation at the Institute level, recalling that “all formation is connected: ongoing formation and basic formation are mutually reinforcing. Ongoing formation is necessary throughout life, in the various stages of life, in clear continuity with basic formation.”

Between the afternoon of Wednesday 17th until the evening of Friday 19th, the representatives of each formation house presented a report on the life and activities carried out in their community, following the questions suggested by the General Secretary of Formation in preparation for this Assembly.

During the third week (22-27 August), the assembly participants identified the most important priorities that emerged from the work of the groups and during the plenary sessions: spirituality, missionary identity and formation; requalification of formation; constant discernment, both in the phase of vocational promotion and during the subsequent stages of formation; the Educational Model of Integration; the formation of brothers. In addition to these five main priorities, three others were chosen, which emerged from the debate in the assembly: formation in finance to live the vow of poverty in an evangelical way; formation in the means of communication and their wise, responsible and missionary use; the ongoing formation of the formators. Divided into groups according to the themes, the formators developed concrete proposals which were then taken up, debated and voted on in plenary assembly.

The assembly ended on Saturday 27th, with the celebration of the Eucharist, presided over by Father Tesfaye Tadesse. The Mass was celebrated, in St. Peter’s Basilica, in the Vatican precisely where, in 1864, St. Daniel Comboni had an ‘illumination from above’, while praying on the tomb of St. Peter, and developed his Plan for the regeneration of Africa, animated by the motto “Save Africa with Africa”. The Assembly Acts will be presented to the General Council for approval at the next consulta in September. This precious instrument will then be presented to the Inter-Capitular Assembly of 2025. A second step will be the preparation of a final text on what took place and what was discussed and suggested by the Assembly, which will contain the new orientations of formation in the coming years, as points of reference on the particular path the Institute intends to follow in this sector, so that all the confreres can know, follow and apply them. The aim is to offer quality formation to the young people who will come to us to offer their lives for the mission.


Fr. David Costa Domingues, Vicar Generale, visits the Province

The Comboni Province of Brazil received the visit of Father David Costa Domingues, Vicar General, from July 13 to August 22. Father David visited and animated the Comboni Fathers and Brothers, and other members of the Comboni Family. He also met with those responsible for the parishes and the various social projects developed by the Comboni Missionaries and their collaborators. The Province thanks him for this visit and for the support it receives from the entire General Council.

Fr. Ezechiele Ramin: friend of the little ones and defender of the poor

The Province and Diocese of Ji-Paraná, in the state of Rondônia, in the Brazilian Amazon, organised the 9th Father Ezechiele Ramin Pilgrimage in Rondolândia, in the state of Mato Grosso, on 21st July 2024. This event is already a tradition in the calendar of the Diocese of Ji-Paraná and the Comboni Family in Brazil. It is an initiative of the local Church of Ji-Paraná with the collaboration of the Comboni missionaries, other pastoral agents and the Institute ‘Fr. Ezechiele Ramin’ to remember together the dream, the struggle and the testimony left by Father Ezechiele.

A native of Padua (Italy), Ezechiele arrived in Brazil in 1980. He and other missionaries carried out their mission where, in communion with the local Church, they sought to bear witness to the Gospel of life, love, justice and peace in a region marked by many social inequalities, conflicts and violence.

Because of his commitment to defending the life and dignity of the little ones and the poor, especially landless peasants and indigenous communities of Rondônia, Father Ezechiele was brutally murdered at the age of 32, on July 24, 1985, while returning from a peace mission in Rondolândia, Mato Grosso.

As a Martyr, Servant of God, friend of the little ones and defender of the poor: this is how the People of God of many Christian communities remembered this young missionary during the journey. It is estimated that more than 1,600 people participated in the pilgrimage.

The Eucharist celebrated at the conclusion of the pilgrimage was presided over by Msgr. Zenildo Luiz Pereira da Silva, Bishop of Borba and a Redemptorist missionary who knew Father Ezechiele and was in Cacoal the day the missionary was killed. Msgr. Zenildo said in his homily that “what killed Father Ezechiele was injustice, selfishness and greed.” His life, his mission and his testimony cannot be forgotten.

The Bishop of Ji-Paraná, Msgr. Norberto Foerster, of the Divine Word Missionaries, also participated in the pilgrimage. In addition to the two bishops, many priests, men and women religious walked with the people of the many communities who came from far away to celebrate the memory of the missionary priest and martyr. Among the pilgrims were many young people who believed in the dream and testimony of Father Ezechiele.

His cause for beatification was started a few years ago and for this reason, his title is Servant of God. In 2019, on the occasion of the Synod for the Amazon, 200 Brazilian bishops sent a letter asking Pope Francis to recognise the Comboni missionary Ezechiele Ramin as a martyr and expressing support for the cause of his beatification which remains open.

The IX pilgrimage concluded with Holy Mass on Sunday, July 21, 2024. At the end of the celebration, the 10th Pilgrimage and the 40th anniversary of the martyrdom of Father Ezechiele were announced and will be celebrated on July 27, 2025, in Rondolândia. Father Ezechiele, friend of the little ones and defender of the poor, is alive!

Father Ettore Frisotti: remembrance and gratitude

The Heitor Frisotti Afro Pastoral Center (CENPAH) held its 26th Seminar, from August 26 to 29, at its headquarters in the Sussuarana neighbourhood of Salvador, on the theme of human suffering, which was addressed by representatives of Christianity, Buddhism, Shamanism and Candomblé. CENPAH is a space for the aggregation of various initiatives in the fields of culture, interreligious dialogue, the fight against racism, equality and the promotion of human rights. The Province thanks all the people who keep alive the memory of Father Frisotti and embrace the cause of Afro-descendants.


Four newly professed and deacons

A source of great joy for the Comboni family of DR Congo was the perpetual profession and diaconal ordination of four scholastics at the end of their missionary service experience.

On July 28, there was the perpetual profession of three scholastics – Kangite Wolima François d’Assise, Mumbere Kahongya Mapenzi and Beyokomu Anotengo Remy –, in Yanonge, in the presence of Father Eméry-Justine Kakule Muvawa, provincial superior. On August 4, 2024, Lokengi Mputu Jean Marie Vianney pronounced his perpetual vows in Mungbere, before Father Franco Barin, representative of the superior general, Father Tesfaye Tadesse.

Two weeks later, on 17th August, Jean Marie Vianney was ordained deacon in Mungbere. On Sunday 18th, François d’Assise, Mapenzi and Remy, in Kisangani, became deacons in the hands of the local archbishop, Mgr. Marcel Utembi Tapa. Also present at the ceremony was Mgr. Léonard Ndjadi Ndjate, mccj, auxiliary bishop of the diocese.


Annual retreat – ‘The Comboni Family in Prayer with Bartimaeus’

From the evening of July 21 to the morning of July 29, thirteen Comboni Missionary Sisters (CMS), including their coordinator in Eritrea, two nuns of the Handmaids of the Church (of the Vicariate of Hawassa) and seven Comboni missionaries (one brother and six priests) spent eight days on retreat together characterised by an atmosphere of rest, meditation and prayer. Sister Adele Brambilla, CMS, superior of the community of Karak, in Jordan, was called to lead and animate the eight days. She is originally from Milan (Italy) and entered the Institute in 1973 with her religious profession. She was also Superior General from 1998 to 2010 after which Sister Adele immediately returned to Jordan to resume her ministry as a nurse. Introducing herself, she said that she was neither a theologian nor a biblical scholar, but that she only wanted to humbly share with those present her experience of missionary life and her encounter with the spirituality of Saint Daniel Comboni. She added: “During the next seven days that we will spend together, I invite you to take a journey with me to Jericho and meet Jesus by following in the footsteps of Bartimaeus in his experience of faith.” The retreat took place at the St. John Human Formation Centre, in Bishan Gurracha, located on the northern shore of Lake Hawassa, in the Vicariate of Meki. Inaugurated a year ago (and not yet fully completed), the Centre truly offers an environment that encourages meditation and prayer: it is silent, surrounded by greenery, full of trees and flowers, and visited by many species of colourful birds. You can also see hippos coming out of the water and grazing along the shore of the lake and fishermen in their boats fishing for tilapia.

The Guji, the local ethnic group, in their profound wisdom, say that “silence reaches God.” The retreat participants could not help but agree with this Guji adage: away from their usual routine for a whole week, in silent dialogue with God through His Word and His creation, they felt closer to their Creator.

At the end of her (dictated) meditations, Sister Adele invited the participants to return to their respective ‘Galilee’, where the Risen Lord is always waiting for them. (Father José Vieira, mccj)


Celebrating 60 years of missionary priestly service

Of the 64 Comboni missionaries ordained in 1964, 17 are still left. Some of them are in Castel d’Azzano, while about ten are still active in the missions or in their respective provinces. Eight of them gathered on July 2nd at the Mother House in Verona, to solemnise the sixtieth anniversary of ordination with a Eucharistic celebration in the Chapel of St. Daniel Comboni.

The following day, they went to Castel d’Azzano to celebrate Mass and meet both the companions of 1964 and the other confreres of that community, sharing the joy of the event. In the afternoon they visited the numerous nuns of the community of Cesiolo, with many of whom they had shared the mission.

They then went to Limone, to the birthplace of St. Daniel Comboni, from whom they received the inspiration and strength of their vocation and mission. Finally, on Friday, they celebrated Mass for the community of the Mother House in Verona.

Those were beautiful and meaningful days of sharing the many years of missionary service, and they wanted to thank the Lord, Comboni and the Institute for their missionary vocation, confirming themselves once again as Comboni missionaries at the service of the Kingdom of God. A sincere thank you to the communities that welcomed them.

Elimu – African Summer School in Florence

From 24th to 28th July 2024, Florence hosted a university residential campus dedicated to exploring the complex realities of the African continent, with the aim of debunking stereotypes and promoting a more nuanced understanding of the topic.

The event was organised by the Comboni community of Florence (Father John Hammond and Father Fernando Zolli) in collaboration with the Nigrizia Foundation, the Afrobrix Festival of Brescia (Father Fabrizio Colombo) and the Recovery Plan cultural and artistic centre of Florence. About twenty participants took part in the campus, which offered a wide range of educational activities.

The program included a fundamental course – ‘African Renaissance and Economics’ – taught by Prof. Mahougnon Venance Sinsin of the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome, a financial economics workshop led by Prof. Chiwele Kasongo of the European University of Florence, and a discussion on Afro-descendant art in Italy with experts Mistura Allison and Justin Randolph Thompson of Recovery Plan Florence.

The students, about twenty, were accompanied daily by Prof. Assita Kone, a financial expert at the European Commission, who introduced the Mogoya Business Model Canvas. This tool, inspired by African philosophy and adapted to the challenges of digitalisation and sustainability, encouraged participants to develop innovative business ideas. At the end of the campus, the students presented competitive and sustainable projects, the result of the work done during the week.


Perpetual profession and diaconate of Samuel Ngugi Mwangi

On 23rd August, in the chapel of the provincial house in Nairobi, Scholastic Samuel Ngugi Mwangi made his perpetual religious profession before Father Andrew Wanjohi, Provincial Superior of the Comboni Missionaries in Kenya. The following day, he was ordained a deacon, along with other scholastics of the Congregation of St. Patrick, in the parish of Utawala, one of the peripheral suburbs of the capital Nairobi.

The celebration was presided over by Bishop Rodrigo Mejia Saldarriaga, Apostolic Vicar Emeritus of Soddo, Ethiopia, who is well-known and respected in Kenya. The focal point of his homily deeply affected both the nine candidates and the entire assembly, composed of people from all over the country.

Elaborating his words and addressing the new deacons directly, Bishop Rodrigo said: “Your diaconate, which is a call to service, is not a transitional phase of your ministry, but a fundamental aspect that must last your entire life: you must always be servants.” Father Wanjohi did not fail to thank all those who participated in the event, noting how their massive presence had made the ceremony a true success. Then, turning to Samuel, he revealed the location of his first service assignment: Amakuriat mission, in the West Pokot district, in the diocese of Kitale, Kenya. He explained: “This marks the beginning of your ministry, and you will be able to begin to apply the role that has been assigned to you today forever: to serve the people of Amakuriat. This, after all, is the commitment that our Institute has assumed since its birth: to reach out and make common cause with the less fortunate groups in the world.” (Father Christopher Silwembe, mccj)


Provincial Assembly

From 20th to 22nd August, the Provincial Assembly was held in the provincial house of Xochimilco, with the participation of about 40 confreres aged between 28 and 88. During the previous week, many confreres had participated there in a course of spiritual exercises led by Father Jorge Ochoa, a Mexican Comboni missionary working in the United States.

The first day of the assembly was dedicated to ongoing formation. The theme was appreciated by all: ‘The integral health of the missionary’. The theologian and educational psychologist Wanda Marissa Rodriguez helped us better understand the importance of the ‘culture of self-care’ at the level of body, mind and spirit. Enjoying good health at the physical, emotional (mind and spirit) and community levels is fundamental for a happy life and a ministry exercised in joy.

The first day ended with the Eucharist presided over by Msgr. Andrés Vargas Peña, bishop of Xochimilco, who, as is his custom, agreed to spend some time with us. We are very grateful for the affection he has for us. In his homily, he spoke of Saint Bernard the Abbot (it was the liturgical memorial) and Saint Daniel Comboni, emphasising in them the passion that translated into action. He invited us to always work in communion, both with cultures and with local Churches. Citing the Aparecida Document, the bishop insisted that “communion is missionary and there is no mission without communion.” The following morning, animated by the provincial treasurer and the secretariat of the economy, was dedicated to reflecting on the economic situation of the province. In the afternoon, we discussed the Six-Year Plan developed in last year’s Assembly, asking ourselves how it is being implemented, both on a personal and secretarial level. After dinner, there was a moment of joyful fraternal conviviality.

On the third day, the proposals that emerged from the reflection on the Six-Year Plan carried out by the different sectors were examined and discussed. The Provincial Council, ranging over all aspects of the life of the Province, shared its opinion on the progress of both the Province itself and the Six-Year Plan. The assembly concluded with a thanksgiving mass presided over by the Provincial Superior, Father Rafael Güitrón, during which the rite of blessing and sending off of some departing for the mission after a family vacation and of a small group of seminarians who are preparing to enter the seminary of Sahuayo was celebrated. (Father Ismael Piñón, mccj)


New seat of the Lima scholasticate

On 8th June 2024, we had the joy of celebrating the feast of the Sacred Heart as a Comboni Family together with our parishioners of Chorrillos and the community of the scholasticate of Lima. We also had the blessing and inauguration of the new headquarters of the scholasticate ‘Santa Rosa de Lima’, being able to share this joy in fraternity and with many friends who motivate us to grow in our formative process with their closeness, friendship and solidarity.

The solemn Eucharistic celebration was presided over by Father Mitchell Sandoval Nelson Edgar, provincial superior, accompanied by the Comboni missionaries of the communities of Lima. The celebration was preceded by some animation initiatives, including a conference by Father Pedro Andrés Miguel, who underlined the beauty of living the community together as a single heart “that welcomes and sends.”

It was a very beautiful moment but also tinged with a certain nostalgia for the transfer from our old headquarters – over forty years old – of the Scholasticate, where many missionaries passed through and left a positive mark.

Now, we fifteen scholastics with the formators are beginning a new stage in the new house, where we will continue our formative and community experience always united by the dream of our founder Daniele Comboni: to give a thousand lives for the mission. (Scholastic Yeison Morales, mccj)


CAM is 30 years old

Exactly 30 years ago, on 15th August 1994, the Comboni missionaries, already present in Costa Rica since 1979, inaugurated the new House of Missionary Animation (CAM), dedicated to Daniel Comboni and located on Paseo Colón, one of the main and most beautiful streets of the city of San José. The idea of missionary animation of a local Church was a novelty in the Archdiocese of San José, when our Institute arrived there. However, it was an integral part – and therefore indispensable – of our mission style, and we immediately began to put it into practice with the purchase of a rented office in the capital. Since then, that a local Church should be in itself ‘missionary’, with horizons as vast as the world, is no longer a strange, unusual, or even extravagant idea, but rather one that is understood and welcomed. To achieve this, it is undeniable that the opening of the CAM played a significant role. This is why the idea of ​​‘celebrating’ its anniversary was born.

The celebrations began on 12th August, with a large group of Comboni missionaries who went to the feet of the ‘Negrita’, the patron saint of Costa Rica, in the Cathedral of Cartago, for a solemn Eucharist. Father Carlos Humberto, superior of the CAM community, explained this choice as follows: “We placed ourselves under the protection of our heavenly Mother and went on a pilgrimage to her feet to strengthen our testimony of missionary communion in Costa Rica and that of the entire Comboni Family.”

The following Sunday, 18th August, the celebration continued with the celebration of the Eucharist of Thanksgiving, presided over by the auxiliary bishop of San José de Costa Rica, Msgr. Daniel Francisco Blanco Méndez, at the National Shrine ‘Dulce Nombre de Jesús’. The celebration was attended by Msgr. Vittorino Girardi, mccj, numerous Comboni missionaries and nuns, some Comboni Lay Missionaries (LMC), as well as a good number of friends and benefactors.

Among other events, the inauguration of an exhibition of over thirty panels on the life of Comboni and the Comboni missionaries in the world was very significant. Father Carlos said: «This exhibition not only explains the reason for these celebrations but will also serve to make our work known in the parishes in the world. Thus, we gave thanks to God for the 30 years of CAM, for the 45 years of Comboni presence in Costa Rica, and for the fruits that our missionary service has produced».

He then added: «The CAM community has worked hard to celebrate this anniversary and we want to thank them. But our thanks also go to all the Comboni missionaries who have worked with zeal in the CAM and to all the benefactors, friends and local groups who have collaborated with us during these last 30 years».

With a hint of healthy pride, he concluded: “The celebrations have demonstrated, once again, that the Comboni charism belongs to the whole Church and that its ‘novelty’ continues to ‘infect’ everyone.”


Perpetual profession and diaconate of Emmanuel Likonye

On 16th August 2024, in the parish of Mary of the Assumption, in Acornhoek, in the diocese of Witbank, there was the perpetual religious profession of Emmanuel Likonye, originally from Chiradzulu (Malawi), currently engaged in his missionary service in that parish. The ceremony was presided over by Father John Baptist Opargiw, provincial superior, who received the vows on behalf of the superior general, in the presence of some confreres, Sisters and parishioners. During his homily, Father Opargiw spoke of religious consecration as “a free and unmerited gesture of God’s love, a precious gift similar to a ‘treasure in a clay vessel’.” After recalling the importance of daily renewing one’s ‘yes’ to God, he compared Emmanuel’s call to that received by biblical figures such as Abraham, Moses, Peter and Paul, or by Saint Daniel Comboni. The perpetual profession is “an invitation to offer God the best we can, a living, pure and uncontaminated sacrifice… It is a question of love: love for God and for our neighbour helps us to live chastity as a total gift of self, obedience as recognition of the primacy of God’s will over mine and of the common good over my personal interests, and poverty as detachment from material goods and radical dependence on God and the community.”

At the end of the mass, all those present took part in a meal prepared by the Comboni community of Acornhoek.

On Sunday, 18th August, in the same parish, the ordination of Emmanuel to the diaconate was celebrated, by the hands of the bishop of Witbank, Mons. Thaddaeus Xolelo Kumalo, with the participation of numerous Comboni and diocesan priests, men and women religious, and a large number of parishioners, who made the celebration vibrant, participatory and embellished with liturgical dances to the rhythm of Xitsonga melodies.

The new deacon thanked all the people who accompanied and guided him in his formative journey. Father Opargiw encouraged him “to practise what he preaches” and to accept the gift of diaconal ordination with “unpretentious authority and spiritual discipline.” Father José Luis Román Medina, superior of the Acornhoek community, urged him to become more and more involved in the life and pastoral program of the community.

Bishop Kumalo said he was happy to be able to ordain Emmanuel as a deacon, jokingly calling him ‘Zacchaeus’ because of his short stature. Then, quoting an African proverb, he urged everyone not to be like frogs, who feel at ease both on land and in water, but rather like fish, aware that their life and security are intrinsically linked to water. Without metaphor, he explained: “What is at stake is to stop living in two worlds, but to focus on Christ, as the fundamental option of our life.”

The ceremony concluded with a lunch for all those present. It was a true experience of the Church as the Family of God, thanks to the participation of representatives of the white and Indian communities, mixed with the black majority, who remained present throughout the event. (Fathers John Baptist Keraryo Opargiw and Robert Ndungu, mccj)


THE FATHERS: Caesario Omona, of Father Idro Kenyi Denis (U); Leonardo, of Father Hector Peña Sánchez (M).

THE MOTHERS: Estefania, of Father Ruben Padilla Rocha (LP); Teresa, of Father Benedetto Giupponi (I).

THE BROTHERS: Giovanni, of Brother Emilio Prevedello (†); Domenico, of Father Bruno Bordonali (I); Manuel, of Brother João da Silva Ferreira and Brother Bernardino da Silva Ferreira (P); Emilio, of Father Marillo Spagnolo (I); Mario Alberto, of Father Rodolfo Heriberto Valdez Ponce (M).

THE SISTERS: Giuseppina, of Father Fernando Zolli (I); Mariuccia, of Father Claudio Gasbarro (†); Sr. Anna Lucia, of Mons. Camillo Ballin (†); Luz María, of Father Enrique Ibarra Hernández (M).

THE COMBONI SISTERS: Sr. Mary Paul Lonergan, Sr. Elda Merlo, Sr. Rosalena Pagan Griso; Sr. Gianna Bianca Bertacco; Sr. Rosa Castelnovo; Sr. Elena M. Meregalli; Sr. Lina Soso; Sr. M. Agnese Campagnolo.