The Word – A School of Community Ongoing Formation for a Renewed Missionary Journey


Monday, February 5, 2024
Here you have a new insert of Ongoing Formation for the important liturgical time of Lent-Easter, a time in which the Word of God is central. In Lent, especially, we are reminded that “Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord” (Dt 8,3; Mt 4,4).

The conversion to which the Lord invites us at this time is to go to Christ, stay with him in the desert, obediently listen to the Father and to the challenges of humanity, allowing ourselves to be nourished and transfigured by him so as to become credible witnesses of the Kingdom.

Also, the Chapter Acts 2022, in numbers 12 and 13,2-3, invites us to place the Word of God at the centre of the process towards human and spiritual growth, as it is also the driving force of the inmer life, lived on a personal and community level as missionary disciples ‘rooted in Christ’.

Let us, therefore, allow the Word to accompany us during this liturgical period.

Apart from the method of lectio divina, which is well known in the tradition of the Church, among the many ways of approaching Holy Scripture we also have the popular reading of the Bible.

Father Rafael González Ponce, mccj, presents and assists us in this way of reading and praying the Word so that we can use it in our communities to share our life as believers.