Monday, October 20, 2014
The third continental Assembly of the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) took place in Guatemala on September 15-20 2014. The group was made up of seven priests, one sister and 27 lay people (12 delegates and the others belonging to the Guatemala group, invited at different times during the meeting). The group included the coordinators of the six provinces that have CLM and three representatives of the CLM Central Committee. In the picture: Oscar E. Rosales and Alejandro Camey, from Guatemala.
The meeting of the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) had as its objectives to evaluate the journey of the different groups since the 2012 meeting in Maia and to set new lines that will help the growing process in a coordinated manner. The theme of the meeting was: “What does it mean to be a CLM from America.”
In the light of our American reality, inspired by St. Daniel Comboni in the imitation of Jesus and in union with the missionary journey of the other CLM around the world, we tried to reach a series of commitments that will he4lp us grow as CLM in our own countries.
These commitments, divide into areas, are:
Our reference group as CLM
In order to strengthen our local group (community) so that it will help us live our vocation all throughout our lives, we propose:
Structure and Coordination
In order to strengthen the groups of each province/circumscription and the continental organization, we propose:
Responsibilities of the Continental Committee:
Emily and Rafael Harrington,
and Fr. José Manuel Baeza Gama.
Mission Fields
We recognize the different rhythm and maturity of the various groups of CLM in each country; just the same, we need to take steps in view of the mission outside our borders. We understand that as CLM we must give a double answer to our vocation ad gentes: both at the personal level (the call each individual receives) and at the level of the CLM group (taking responsibility as a group open to the possibility that others will go and act in our place), thus opening the Church to its missionary dimension ad gentes and inter gentes.
For this reason, our priorities in missionary activity as CLM shall be:
As a continent we want to take up the following commitments:
Communications and Networking
We know that communications is the necessary path to unity. For this reason we commit ourselves:
As CLM of America we commit ourselves to follow ca common path of formation where the resolutions of previous assemblies will be our guide. Furthermore, we want to take up the following commitments:
It is fundamental that our local directories contain the general lines of our identity and organization, developed in a clear and flexible form, in a contemporary and attractive language. The following aspects must be included:
Continental Assembly of the CLM of America (Guatemala 2014)
We add also the reflections of the Comboni Missionaries (Fr. Arlindo Ferreira Pinto, member of the central committee; Fr. José Manuel Baeza, continental moderator of the CLM on behalf of the provincials of America; Fr. Sergio Agustoni, moderator of the CLM in Peru; Fr. Laureano Rojo, moderator of the CLM in Mexico; P. José Manuel Sánchez, moderator of the CLM of Costa Rica) and of the representative of the Comboni Sisters of Guatemala (Hna. María Cecilia Sierra Salcido), who werepresent at the assembly.
In the context of the Continental Assembly of the CLM of America we gathered and have come up with the following reflections:
1. We see the need to confirm a moderator for the Central American Province.
2. It is important to keep clarifying the role of the Comboni moderators of the CLM groups. This task goes beyond spiritual guidance. The Central Committee will put together a document which will explain what their responsibilities are. This explanation will also help the provincial superiors. We propose a deadline of March 2015.
3. We confirm Peru as the preferred place for an international presence of CLM.
4. As a first step it could be possible to start working toward a stable presence of Guatemalan CLM in San Luis Petén.
5. Medical insurance should be included in all the contracts with the CLM.
6. The CLM are not owned by the Comboni Missionaries or by the Comboni Sisters, but are a movement on the way to its own autonomy. They are part of the Comboni charism and they are slowly shaping up as the fourth branch of the Comboni Family. They are closer to the Comboni Missionaries for historical, circumstantial and juridical reasons.
7. We talked about the economic autonomy of the CLM as we saw how some groups have grown a lot in this respect, while in the majority of countries on this continent a lot remains to be done. We must not forget that, when people help the Comboni Missionaries, they intend to help the missionary work of evangelization. The CLM are part of this work and, for this reason, the Comboni Missionaries should be all the more generous. There is the need for a dialogue with the provincials on this matter.