Monday, February 24, 2025
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the APDESAM Leadership was held at Chizongwe, Zambia from the 17th to the 21st, February 2025. All the members were present: Bro. Alberto Lamana (Liaison with the General Council), Fr. Diego Dalle Carbonare (EGSD), Bro. Gédéon Mboma Ngunza (Brothers), Fr. Michael Mumba (MZ), Fr. Gregor Schmidt (SS), Fr. José Joaquim Pedro (MO), Fr. Andrew Wanjohi (KE), Fr. Anthony Kibira (U), Fr. Yohannes Asfaha (ET), Fr. Gaim Haileselassie (ER) and Fr. John Baptist Keraryo Opargiw (RSA).

Fr. Michael warmly welcomed the participants to Malawi/Zambia and led a short spiritual reflection which served as an on-going formation moment with the clarion call for us to “give the hungry people something to eat” as we exercise our leadership service. Bro. Alberto and Fr. John Baptist in their opening remarks hinted to the fact that this year’s AGM is the last one in our three-year Leadership service and that it happens within the context of a transition at the helm of our Comboni Institute.

The three full days of our AGM then rolled into motion with many reports from the Circumscriptions, the sectors (Formation, Mission and Finance), the life and ministries of the Brothers, and the common APDESAM projects. A key moment was dedicated to the final reading and approval of our Revised APDESAM Charter 2025 which will offer guidelines to our life and mission for the foreseeable future. A significant reference was made to the forthcoming Intercapitular Assembly scheduled for September 2025 in Rome.

Our Chizongwe AGM was indeed a moment of communion, fraternity and clarifying and deepening further our continental identity. We are very grateful to our host Circumscription of Malawi/Zambia and to all the members for their presence and active participation in the meeting.

The news of the election of our new Superior General, Father Luigi Codianni, reached us as we were already dispersing on the day scheduled for our departure. However, we all remain united in our allegiance and intent to collaborate with the new Supreme Moderator.

The Annual General Meeting of the APDESAM Leadership was held at Chizongwe, Zambia from the 17th to the 21st, February 2025.

Fr. John Baptist Keraryo Opargiw, MCCJ
Continental Coordinator – APDESAM