Monday, August 26, 2024
On 23rd August 2024, Samuel Ngugi Mwangi (second from the right in the photo) made his perpetual profession in the chapel of the Comboni Provincial House of Kenya in Nairobi, in the presence of Fr Wanjohi Thumbi Andrew, Provincial Superior. The next day he was ordained a deacon. [New People]

Perpetual vows of Samuel Ngugi Mwangi in Nairobi.

On 24th August, in the Holy Family Parish Utawala, in the Archdiocese of Nairobi, celebrated a momentous occasion as Samuel Ngugi Mwangi, a Comboni Missionary, along with eight other members of the Congregation of St. Patrick, was ordained a deacon. This significant event was marked by a vibrant and joyous celebration attended by a broad spectrum of participants from across Kenya.

The ordination ceremony was presided over by Most Rev. Rodrigo Mejia Saldarriaga, Apostolic Vicar Emeritus of Soddo, Ethiopia. Bishop Rodrigo, a figure of immense respect and experience, delivered a powerful homily that left a lasting impact on the candidates and the congregation. He emphasized the profound nature of the diaconate, describing it as a "perpetual ministry of service." The bishop reminded the newly ordained deacons that their commitment to serving the people does not end with their ordination to priesthood but is an enduring aspect of their vocation. Bishop Rodrigo urged the deacons to view their role not merely as a transitional phase but as a fundamental aspect of their lifelong ministry.

The event was marked by vibrant liturgical music, heartfelt prayers, and a palpable sense of community and joy among the attendees. The presence of many from different parts of the country underscored the significance of the occasion and the deep respect held for the newly ordained deacons.

Fr. Andrew Wanjohi, Provincial Superior of the Comboni Province of Kenya, took the opportunity to extend his heartfelt gratitude to all who participated in the event. He expressed deep appreciation for the support and presence of the Christians, acknowledging their role in making the joint diaconate celebration a success.

Following the ordination, Deacon Samuel Ngugi Mwangi was assigned to the Amakuriat mission in West Pokot, in the Diocese of Kitale, Kenya. This assignment marks the beginning of a new chapter in his ministry, where he will apply his newly acquired role to serve the people of Amakuriat. His placement in this mission underscores the Congregation’s commitment to reaching out to diverse and often underserved communities, reflecting the broader mission of the Comboni missionaries to serve all corners of the world with compassion and dedication.

Deacon Samuel Ngugi Mwangi with his parents.

The ordination of Samuel Ngugi Mwangi is not only a milestone in his spiritual journey but also a significant moment for the Congregation and the wider Church community in Kenya. It serves as a reminder of the enduring call to service and the transformative impact of dedicated ministry on both the clergy and the communities they serve.

The ordination ceremony at Holy Family Parish Utawala was a celebration of faith, service, and community. The event, enriched by Bishop Rodrigo’s inspiring homily and Fr. Andrew Wanjohi’s gratitude, highlighted the essential nature of diaconate (service) as a lifelong commitment to serving others. As Deacon Mwangi begins his mission in Amakuriat, the spirit of the celebration continues to resonate, inspiring others to embrace their call to service with dedication and joy.

Fr. Christopher Silwembe, mccj