Monday, May 20, 2024
The Comboni Missionary reference persons for missionary animation at the circumscription level gathered in Rome from 22nd to 26th April 2024, for their General Assembly entitled Looking to the Future with Hope, as planned in the Guide to the Implementation of the XIX General Chapter (p. 28). Appreciating the work done in the past in the field of missionary animation (cf. CA ’22, 32), the participants encourage continuity in this ministry and declare: [
General Secretariat for Mission]

  1. Missionary animation is a fundamental element of the Comboni charism and a vital strategic aspect for the support and nourishment of the mission. It is intrinsically linked to evangelisation.
  2. Missionary animation originates from a profound encounter with the Risen Christ and from the example of Saint Daniel Comboni who was a great missionary animator.
  3. Every Comboni member is a missionary animator, in whatever activity or ministry entrusted to him.
  4. We hope that both the circumscriptions and the General Administration will assign more personnel for the service of missionary animation which requires missionaries with a strong faith and a simple lifestyle.
  5. We feel there is an urgent need to form missionary animators with immediate preparation courses for this ministry, formative programs in continental assemblies and professional specialisations (CA ’22, 32.3). The training priorities are in the field of journalism (paper and digital) and social networks.
  6. In the light of the magisterium of Pope Francis, which emphasises that “all things are connected” (Laudato si’, 6; 16; 91 117; 138), missionary animation and integral ecology seem to us to be closely connected.
  7. It is important to value the media that we already have available: magazines, books, digital platforms, websites, social networks, and other publications, which enrich the missionary animation service in our circumscriptions. As long as they prove useful, we should continue to rely on them and enhance them.
  8. We are committed to collaborating with all missionary animation agents at every level (cf. CA ’22, 33) through systematic planning, monitoring, and evaluation of the activities.

Rome, 26th April 2024

The participants