Certificate of honour for Brother and Comboni doctor Rosario Iannetti


Wednesday, 23 November 2016
During the weekend, 19-20 of November, 2016, there were some important events in Mapuordit mission, which was opened in 1993 and has grown exponentially with several activities, like education (primary and secondary school), the Mary Immaculate Hospital and the minor seminary, the last two under the responsibility of the diocese of Rumbek. A new church was built and the pastoral activities are carried out by the missionaries. In the evening of Sunday, the hospital staff organized a farewell party with an open invitation to all the people of Mapuordit and to some special guests who came to honour Bro. Rosario. Among the almost one thousand people and dignitaries who participated to the reception, there was the Governor of the Eastern Lakes State, Mr. Rin Tueny Mabor, who bestowed on Brother Rosario an official certificate of honour “for his excellent medical services rendered to the people of Eastern Lakes State at Mapuordit hospital for over a decade.” In his speech, the governor emphasized the fact that Rosario had been in Mapuordit since the time of the war with the Sudan. It was his idea to start the hospital that became a wonderful reality and also trained hundreds of medical nurses for the health services of South Sudan.

Bro. Rosario Iannetti,
at Mapuordit hospital,
in Sud Sudan.


On 19-20 November the 4th Board of Governors meeting was held at the hospital of Mapuordit, with the participation of Fr. John Mathiang, coordinator of the diocese of Rumbek, Fr. Daniele Moschetti, the Comboni provincial of South Sudan, and some other representatives of the CUAMM, an Italian NGO of doctors, the representative of the Mapuordit community, the governor of Eastern Lakes State and the ministry of Health.

The board is an important and vital organ for the management and running of the hospital, whose medical direction since July 2016 has been handed over to the Comboni doctor and Brother Paolo Rizzetto by Bro. Rosario Iannetti, former medical director for the last 15 years. In the afternoon the members of the board met with the staff of the hospital, more than 70 people, who are guaranteeing the services to the people in the only rural hospital of South Sudan. The hospital is considered one of the top hospitals and health facilities of the entire country and it has been appreciated several times by the former minister of Lakes State and now also by the Governor.

In the morning of Sunday 20th it was, first of all, a great moment for almost 100 candidates who received the sacrament of confirmation by the hand of the coordinator of the diocese, Fr. Mathiang. The candidates had been prepared by Fr. Placide Majambo, the new parish priest, and by Fr. Giuseppe Pellerino.

At the end of the religious ceremony there was a special blessing by the entire community of Mapuordit for Brother Rosario Iannetti who was bidding farewell to the Christians and the people of Mapuordit after 15 years of great and loving service as medical doctor to thousands of people of that area. It was a very moving moment since all the community raised their hands in blessing Rosario for his new mission in the hospital of St. Daniel Comboni in Wau diocese.

In the evening of the same day, the hospital staff organized a farewell party with an open invitation to all the people of Mapuordit and to some special guests who came to honour Bro. Rosario. Among the almost one thousand people and dignitaries who participated to the reception, there was the Governor of the Eastern Lakes State, Mr. Rin Tueny Mabor, who bestowed on Brother Rosario an official certificate of honour “for his excellent medical services rendered to the people of Eastern Lakes State at Mapuordit hospital for over a decade.” In his speech, the governor emphasized the fact that Rosario had been in Mapuordit since the time of the war with the Sudan. It was his idea to start the hospital that became a wonderful reality and also trained hundreds of medical nurses for the health services of South Sudan.

The farewell celebration was also a great opportunity of bringing together the staff, the people of Mapuordit, the Comboni community and especially the Brothers doctors who had worked with great dedication in the hospital. We recall, besides Bro. Rosario and Bro. Paolo Rizzetto, the new medical director, also Bro. Hernan Romero Arias and Bro. Andres Gaspar Abarca. We congratulate wholeheartedly Bro. Rosario for the honour received and also for having accepted his new mission in the hospital of Wau, the second town of the youngest Country of the world. Fr. Rosario, may God bless and accompany you to your new mission!