Saturday, December 7, 2013
The yearly gathering of the Comboni friends and benefactors, that is usually celebrated on the first Sunday of December, this year had a special flavor because it was the crowning of the Silver Jubilee of the arrival of the Comboni Missionaries in Asia.


Statue of
Saint Daniel Comboni
in Roosevelt.

The actual 25th anniversary of the arrival occurred in January, but the whole year, starting from the Friends of the Missions’ Fiesta 2012, was marked by several celebrations: on March 15, at Roosevelt, there was the solemn opening of the Photo Exhibit of the “25 years of the Comboni Missionaries, journeying together on Asian Roads”, as the logo states; on the occasion of the Delegation Assembly, with the presence of all the confreres, also from China, at Sucat, there was the launching of the coffee-table book marking the Silver Jubilee of our magazine World Mission; in October, there was a successful Medical and Dental Mission in our Roosevelt community.

The special feature of the concluding celebration was the unveiling and blessing of a big statue of Saint Daniel Comboni, situated besides the multi-purpose hall in the compound of our Roosevelt community. A large crowd in festive mood gathered in the afternoon of Sunday, December 1, to participate in the missionary witness program given by Fr. Raul Baluma Tabaranza about Malawi-Zambia and Fr. Moises Estacio Dela Cruz about Taiwan. Then followed the solemn Mass presided over by the Delegate Superior, Fr. P. Miguel Ángel Llamazares González, who then proceeded to bless the statue that was unveiled by some benefactors. Finally, the joy of the crowd was enhanced by the sharing of food and the artistic presentations which concluded this very successful occasion.

In October 2013, there was a successful Medical and Dental Mission
in our Roosevelt community