
3   White    Friday I week in Advent (Pslt. I)

St. Francis Xavier, priest (feast)

Patron of the missions

DO of the feast

MH ant. pr. and psalms of Friday I week

MASS of the feast, Gloria, proper readings,

pref. proper

L1  Zp 3,9-10.14-20 or Rm 10,8-17; Ps  85;

Gs  Mt 28,16-20


8   White    Tuesday of the V week in OT (Pslt. I)

St. Josephine Bakhita, virgin (memorial)

OR after the readings of the Fathers in OT with its responsory, one may add the reading from the life of the memorial, with its response and prayer

DO and VESPERS with antiphon and prayer of the saint

MASS of the memorial


31 White    Tuesday Visitation of Our Lady

The memorial of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart is omitted


30 White    Thursday I VESPERS of Sacred Heart of Jesus

Comp. dom.

1   White    Friday Sacred Heart of Jesus (solemnity)

Feast of the Institute

DO of the solemnity; MH ant. pr. with compl. psalms; MASS of solemnity, Gloria, Credo

R1  Ez 34,11-16; Ps  22;

R2  Rm 5,5b-11; Gs  Lk15, 3-7

Other celebrations are not permitted, except funeral Mass

II VESPERS of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Comp. dom.


8   White    Thursday I VESPERS of St. Peter Claver

9   White    Friday St. Peter Claver, priest (solemnity)

Patron of the Institute

DO of solemnity - MH ant. pr. with compl. psalms

MASS of solemnity, Gloria, Credo

R1 Is 58,6-10; Ps 146,1-6; R2 1Jn, 3,14-18;

Gs Lk 4,16-22a

Other celebrations are not permitted, except funeral Mass

II VESPERS of St. Peter Claver - Comp. dom.


1   White    Saturday XXVI week in OT

St. Therese of the Child Jesus, virgin (feast)

DO of the feast

MH ant. pr. and psalms of Saturday of II week

MASS of the feast, Gloria, proper readings,

EP with pref. of the Saints;

R1 Is 66,10-14c; Ps 103,1-2.8-9.17-18;

Gs Mt 11,25-30

9   White    Sunday I VESPERS of St. Daniel Comboni

Comp. dom.

10 White    Monday (solemnity)

St. Daniel Comboni, Bishop and Founder

DO of solemnity

MH ant. pr. with compl. psalms

MASS of solemnity, Gloria, Credo

R1 Is 61,1-3; Ps 95; R2 Gal 6,14-18;

Gs Jn 10,11-16

Other celebrations are not permitted, except funeral Mass

II VESPERS of St. Daniel Comboni

Comp. dom.

20 Green   Thursday XXIX week in OT (Pslt. I)

Feria or

     Red       Blessed Daudi and Gildo, martyrs (optional)

DO of the day or of memorial

(ant. at Ben. pr.; ant. at Magn. pr.)

MASS either of the day or of memorial

Lectionary of the Saints or of the day;

R1 Ef 3,2-12; Ps Is 12,2-3.4bcd.5-6

Gs Lk 12,39-48


11 Violet    Friday XXXII week in OT (Pslt. IV)


Commemoration of the deceased confreres, parents and benefactors

DO of Feria or of the Office of the Faithful Departed

MASS from the Roman Missal (p. 889);

pref. of the dead

Lectionary of the Saints (faithful deceased)