Comboni, on this day

A Roma partecipa (1870) in Concilio alla definizione dell’infallibilità pontificia:
Alla sign.a Frigotto, 1870
Assistetti oggi alla IV Sessione del Concilio Vaticano come teologo. Tutti, meno due Vescovi, uno di 37 anni americano, l’altro di 53 anni napoletano, dissero sì. Fu uno spettacolo


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ACR, A, c. 20/56 n. 4

February 1880

Card. Luigi di Canossa
01. 03. 1880



Rome, Hotel Anglo-Americano, 1 March 1880

Most Reverend Eminence,


Forgive me for the delay; but I went immediately to number 14 Via Principe Amadeo and with my attendant rang the bells of all ten apartments in the building but did not find Count Concastelli: finally, I tried this morning and discovered that he lives on the ground floor in the house of a school mistress. He was absent from the Geographical Society and I gave your letter to two sisters from Mantua, and told them that he should come to see me. He is a young man of 22, they told me, who is still a student and his father is in Bologna.


I then went to the Ministry of Education and spoke for more than an hour to the very kind Commendatore Girolamo Nisio, the minister’s chief of cabinet. He was deeply touched that Your Eminence should be seeking information about him and on his position, and he spoke of you with enthusiasm, and with great esteem of the expert professors, the Prefect Mgr Stegagnini and Professor Bianchi, both of whom, he said, were the best of professors and very able. He gave me two of his visiting cards, one for Your Eminence and one for me, saying that he was prepared to grant Your Eminence and myself anything we wanted. He seems to be a good man, and appears most content with his position.


I thank you again for everything. I am exhausted. Also present at the consistory for the 5 new Cardinals as well as all the Cardinals present in the Curia, were more than 70 Bishops from the five continents and all the ambassadors, etc. Mgr Castaldi was Master of Ceremonies instead of Mgr Martinucci, who was at death’s door (as he told me himself) because the gout was going to his head.
Please give my respects to the Marchese, to Fr Vincenzo, etc., etc., as I bow to kiss the Sacred Purple, I remain with deepest respect
Your Most Reverend Eminence’s most devoted and humble son

+ Daniel,
Bishop and Vicar Apostolic


The purpose for which I was summoned by Cardinal Simeoni by order of the Holy Father is to define and outline two new Vicariates Apostolic in Africa. They are pressing in from all sides here and it must end by Africa bowing its head before the Cross. Haec inter nos.


Please give my greetings to the valiant Canon Parracchini, and tell him that on the feast of the able bursar St Joseph I shall ask for an apostolic blessing for him and for the good Veronese. Even Omodei preaches stupendously at the Gesù and has a large attendance. By Jove! No sooner had I got to Rome than people in the Vatican and in Rome told me that on the 1st Sunday of Lent he spoke of me and of Mgr Massaia from the pulpit of the Gesù!!!! My God! I have not yet had the courage to go and celebrate Mass there. Africa and her conquest for the Cross interests everyone, and with the power of prayer she will fall under the banner of Christ.

Card. Luigi di Canossa
07. 03. 1880


ACR, A, c. 14/102

Rome, 7 March 1880

Most Reverend and Eminent Prince,


Mgr Bacilieri wrote to me on Your Eminence’s behalf giving me the glorious and welcome task of representing Your Eminence at today’s solemn homage and the solemn feast of St Thomas Aquinas in the fullest and most sincere support of the Encyclical Aeterni Patris, as well as representing the greatest and most illustrious Chapter of the Cathedral of Verona and our Episcopal Seminary, worthily governed by our dear Bacilieri.


I now inform you that I was one of the first Bishops to present myself at the feet of the Holy Father Leo XIII in the presence of nearly all the Eminent Cardinals of the Curia, seventy Bishops and representatives from the large number of University Academies and Seminaries from all over the world: Australia, America, Asia, Africa, Europe, etc. and I offered the following tributes:
1. From Your Eminence.
2. From the great Chapter of Verona, whose magnificent address I handed to the Holy Father, who then gave it to Mgr Gaudenzi.
3. From the Venerable Episcopal Seminary of Verona, whose fine address I also presented, telling him that the Rector and other Professors had studied theology at the Collegio Romano in Rome, and the Holy Father showed great pleasure and satisfaction with it.


4. I presented him with my own tribute in writing, in support of the Encyclical Aeterni Patris, telling him of our devotion usque ad sanguinis effusionem, of the College for the Missions of Africa in Verona and in Egypt and of all the missionaries of the Vicariate Apostolic of Central Africa; with which the Holy Father was supremely pleased, greeting and blessing Your Eminence with all his heart, as well as cordially blessing the great Chapter of Verona and the Seminary, Africa and the venerable Institute of the Stigmatines in Verona, for which I requested a special blessing with an extra special one for the very reverend Superior General Vignola and Fr Sembianti. For the Chapter and the Seminary I telegraphed to the good Bacilieri.


After the general address read by Mgr Tripepi, the Holy Father rose and made a stupendous speech in Ciceronian Latin which moved everyone, and as the wisest of Popes he explained the sublime meaning of the Encyclical, etc., etc. which he read out: his address took 42 minutes by the clock.
They then led a large number of theologians (myself most unworthily included, for they want to make me a member of the Academy of St Thomas) into the garden where they took a photograph of us.
I was moved and wept to hear from the Pope’s lips his own magnificent classical speech in which he announced that he would soon be publishing Papal Letters proclaiming St Thomas patron of the Catholic Academies and Universities throughout the world.


Yesterday I spoke at the Academy assembly chaired by Cardinal Parocchi (who sends you his heartfelt greetings) and it was a real world triumph. Of all the speeches, the one read by Fr Cornoldi was gigantic and unequalled. It drew applause from all the Cardinals, Bishops and scholars at the assembly, etc., etc.
I visited the Counts Concastelli twice and they came to see me, etc. but I will tell you about this another time. The hat is made and is ready: it even has the Cardinal’s tassel. I gave Morani a scolding for the delay.


It seems that my letter did not much please Fr Falezza, because he wrote to me that he was now ill and could not see to the scapular, etc. and asked me to find someone who could take care of the matter after I leave Rome, etc. I wrote to him that no one could serve him better than Fr Cirino of the Theatines, who is very zealous. But Fr Cirino himself told me that it was a nasty, tricky matter. The plan I sent Your Eminence for a new scapular is the only solution to this problem overhanging us.
I am very tired. I shall bring the Catholic Hierarchy list. I kiss your Sacred Purple
Your most obedient and humble son

+ Daniel, Bishop


This very moment (4 p.m. 7th March) a certain Giuseppe Graziani has brought me your precious letter of 29th February, and one from Fr Vincenzo. He says he will bring me another parcel tomorrow, etc. I shall do all you request of me. Yesterday I had a meeting with Fr Filippino Calenzio whom I asked to go before the Bishops and to see as many as possible, not just six of them. But there were some who opposed him and, it seems, stuck their nose in from outside Rome. But I shall go again and will tell you all.

His Father
08. 03. 1880

N. 914; (871) – TO HIS FATHER

ACR, A, c. 14/119


Rome, 8 March 1880

My dear Father,


I long to hear how you are. I am very glad that you wrote to Virginia. My American servant is extremely lucky with the lottery; he wins a double nearly every week and on Saturday he won a triple of 50 thalers, and immediately brought me 110 lire for Africa: after praying to St Joseph to win at the lottery.
As the representative of Central Africa, of the Most Eminent Cardinal Bishop of Verona, of the Episcopal Seminary of Verona, and of my establishments as well as a few other Academies, in the presence of the Cardinals and Bishops of the Curia and of the most distinguished scientists and scholars in the world, yesterday I presented the tributes to the great Pope Leo XIII, and among other things I asked him for a blessing for you and the family. He made a most elegant and sublime speech in perfect Latin which amazed everyone, and exalted the Christian philosophical science of St Thomas Aquinas, whom he proposed as a master for learned Catholics and as protector of all Christian Academies and Universities.


I was made a member and associate of the Academy of St Thomas Aquinas, and what is more, today I was made a member and associate of the Academy of the Arcadians.
Tomorrow at 4.00 p.m. all the academicians will be photographed at the Vatican. But what counts more than all these holy academic and scientific aromas is the roast of the salvation of the soul. If we save our souls we shall have done everything. My Secretary, Fr Geremia Properzi who came from Sestri Levante is here in Rome. Give my greetings to Teresa. Tell Teresa to write to Virginia. She needs comfort, because she is afflicted. The Arabic teacher is already living in the little house next door to the Sisters with Virginia’s brother. Fiat.
All my greetings to the family, Fr Luigi, the Rector, etc, etc.
Your most affectionate son

+ Daniel,
Bishop and Vicar Apostolic


My bursar, although March is his month, has gone deaf on me: I must restore his hearing.

Card. Giovanni Simeoni
10. 03. 1880


AP SC Afr. C., v. 8, ff. 1051–1052

Rome, 10 March 1880

Most Eminent and Reverend Prince,


In 1861, Monsignor Matteo Kirchner of Bamberg, former Pro-Vicar Apostolic of Central Africa from 1858 to 1861 was appointed Supernumerary Secret Chamberlain to His Holiness Pius IX, a title he bore until the Supreme Pontiff’s death.
In his homeland he has served most commendably as Rector of the Bamberg Seminary and for many years as a Member of the Centre in the German Parliament in Berlin, reinforcing the 94-strong corps of Catholic Members. For several years now he has been Archpriest Dean of the Deanery of Sessltitz in the Archdiocese of Bamberg, Bavaria, where he fulfils his high office with apostolic zeal and as a true Roman Catholic and papal priest.


As successor to the above-mentioned Matteo Kirchner in the governance of Central Africa and with the support of many of his and my own priests, I implore Your Most Reverend Eminence that his former title of Secret Chamberlain be confirmed by the reigning Pontiff Leo XIII, or even better, that he be raised to the dignity of Domestic Prelate. In addition in 1861 he was given the honorary title of Missionary Apostolic by the Sacred Congregation; he is learned, zealous and devout and this would confer splendour on his Deanery.
In the certainty that His Excellency the Apostolic Nuncio will approve the truth of the facts, I hope through Your Most Reverend Eminence’s kindness for the successful outcome of my humble request.
May the grace, etc.

+ Daniel,
Bishop and Vicar Apostolic

916 A.H. De Villeneuve
15. 03. 1880


AFV, Versailles

15 March 1880

Short note.

Card. Giovanni Simeoni
15. 03. 1880


AP SC Afr. C., v. 8, f. 1053

Rome, 15 March 1880

Request for free travel.

Card. Luigi di Canossa
17. 03. 1880



Praised be Jesus and Mary forever, Amen

Rome, 17/3 80

Most Eminent and Reverent Prince,


I went to Giomini and ordered a new hat from him without the cord, in accordance with your venerable instructions 20/17’and not 19/16’like the first one. The hat costs 18 and the cord 14. With regard to the hat I sent you, if anyone else wants it, it costs 18; and if no one does, keep it and send it back at the first opportunity; if you do not want the band either, send it back too since they will accept it, for that is what I agreed. So the new hat will be ready in the coming week and I will bring it to Verona when I return which will be soon, if another opportunity doesn’t turn up even sooner. I left your letter at Mgr Tripepi’s house as he wasn’t there. Then I met him on his way home, and he told me that he would be glad to read it and will do what you request.


I am disappointed that I cannot be in Verona for St Joseph’s day. Please give my apologies to Fr Vincenzo, as I had promised him that should I have been in Verona I would have taken the service at S. Maria in Organo.


I have been to visit Cardinal de Falloux, and using the faculty granted to me, I asked him in your name if I could present your two nephews, the Counts Concastelli, to him so that if necessary he might cover them with his exalted protection. He replied greeting you affectionately and telling me that any wish of his dear and venerable colleague, the most Eminent Cardinal di Canossa, was a command for him; that you should indeed present them and that he will give them a proper welcome.


In the meantime I kiss your sacred Purple. I am very pleased that good Fr Sembianti is definitively moving into the African Institute on the beautiful day of St Joseph; and this morning, when I heard Fr Eusebio preaching for the Pope, I arranged for the Holy Father to impart his Apostolic Blessing to him on that day.
Your most obedient son

+ Bishop Daniel

His Father
18. 03. 1880

N. 919; (876) – TO HIS FATHER

ACR, A, c. 14/120


Rome, Anglo-American Hotel, 18/3 80

My dear Father,


I received your letter on 15th March and am pleased to hear that you have written to Virginia; I urged her to agree to go to the small house that communicates internally with the Institute and in fact is part of the Institute, because as far as I am concerned I do not want to wear a high hat nor create the slightest obstacle for the new Superior or prevent him from running the Institute in his own way. He is a true saint, and I hope he will give me excellent and splendid candidates. Therefore although it is certain that he was beguiled by the secret scheming of someone who does not want Arabic to be learned because he has not studied it himself either in Verona or in Egypt and does not wish for remarks to be made on the administration of which he has no knowledge, etc., he thus plotted to have the Arabic teacher leave; however, since the teacher will not leave without the woman Arabic teacher to whom he was entrusted by his parents, the same was done with her.


But he has reckoned badly, because the new Rector, obedient to my wishes, not only kept to my orders for the study of Arabic, but after Easter and the exams, increased it by an hour on Sundays and feast days. And in addition, the miserable creatures have behaved in such a way as to induce the Rector to make you too, with Teresa, go and live in the little house when I am there; and if there is not enough room (there is more than enough), the Arabic master will move temporarily into a room in the male Institute. In brief, courage: these are passing clouds: but I am sorry that Virginia should suffer, that she to whom the mission of Africa and the Verona Institutes are indebted for so many services should be suffering, she who has risked her life so many times and was most faithful to me during the problems; but when I return to Verona, I shall see it all with my own eyes and will see what can be done. In the meantime, you and Teresa should pray, and write to her often to comfort her.


I hope your cold doesn’t last long, and that it will pass, or has already gone. I have good news from Africa, except for that intrigue of a French thief and one of the laymen from Bergamo whom Fr Luigi has expelled from the mission once and for all; and they had done well in Verona. I am doing all I can to be in Verona in ten or twelve days. I bless everyone.

+ Bishop Daniel

His Father
25. 03. 1880

N. 920; (877) – TO HIS FATHER

ACR, A, c. 14/121

Rome, 25 March 1880

Brief Note.