
Ordenación episcopal de Mons. Luis Alberto Barrera Pacheco
Ordenación episcopal de Mons. Luis Alberto Barrera Pacheco
Ordenación episcopal de Mons. Luis Alberto Barrera Pacheco
Ordenación episcopal de Mons. Luis Alberto Barrera Pacheco
Ordenación episcopal de Mons. Luis Alberto Barrera Pacheco
Ordenación episcopal de Mons. Luis Alberto Barrera Pacheco
Retreat and Assembly of the Comboni Province of the DR of Congo
Retreat and Assembly of the Comboni Province of the DR of Congo
A new beginning at Old Fangak in South Sudan
A new beginning at Old Fangak in South Sudan
Carta en ocasión del 150 aniversario del Instituto Comboniano
Carta en ocasión del 150 aniversario del Instituto Comboniano
Carta en ocasión del 150 aniversario del Instituto Comboniano
Carta en ocasión del 150 aniversario del Instituto Comboniano
Incontro dei provinciali francofoni a Lomé
Incontro dei provinciali francofoni a Lomé
Ordenación sacerdotal de Jean Nestor y Lionel Dofonnou, togoleses
Ordenación sacerdotal de Jean Nestor y Lionel Dofonnou, togoleses
Annual General Meeting of the Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN) in Rome
Annual General Meeting of the Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN) in Rome
Annual General Meeting of the Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN) in Rome
Annual General Meeting of the Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network (AEFJN) in Rome
Lettera di P. Francesco Laudani agli amici e benefattori per Natale
Lettera di P. Francesco Laudani agli amici e benefattori per Natale