Saturday, March 8, 2025
Members of the Sudan and South Sudan Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SSS-CBC) have launched their first-ever Lenten campaign, expressing a commitment to work towards sustaining life and caring for creation in the two countries that have experienced decades of violence. In their pastoral exhortation for the inaugural campaign through Caritas South Sudan, the SSS-CBC members also underscored the urgent need to foster justice and peace in conflict-affected areas across both nations. (In the picture: Mgr. Christian Carlassare, Bishop of Bentiu in South Sudan) [ACI Africa]
“We commit ourselves to sustaining life and promoting sustainable livelihoods under the guiding theme: ‘Holiness of life, Reconciliation and Healing, Social Justice, Livelihood, and Environmental Care’,” the Bishops said in their message dated Wednesday, March 5. They added, “Our call is to care for one another, care for creation, and work for justice and peace in our troubled lands of the Sudan and South Sudan.”
In their statement, the Bishops urged the people of God in the two nations to prioritize the protection of creation as responsible stewards, embracing Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter on care for our common home, Laudato Si. The Bishops in Sudan and South Sudan encouraged faith-based action through prayer and holiness of life. They urged the people of God in the two countries to strengthen their relationship with God through deep prayer, seeking personal and communal renewal. They also urged reconciliation and healing, saying, “Open your hearts to forgiveness, heal broken relationships, and work for lasting peace in our nations.”
“Stand for justice, support the marginalized, and advocate for fairness in all sectors of life,” they said, underlining the need to promote self-reliance, invest in agriculture, and uplift communities through economic empowerment. In the statement that the President of the Integral Human Development Commission of SSS-CBC, Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY), signed, the Bishops also reflected on the Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year.
“As we journey through this Jubilee Year of Hope, let us renew our faith, restore our relationships, and rebuild our communities. This is a time of grace and opportunity to work together for a future of peace, unity, and justice in the two Sudans,” they said. They added, “May this Lenten season bear fruit in our hearts, in our families, in our Church, and our nations. May the light of Christ’s resurrection shine upon the Sudan and South Sudan, guiding us toward a future of peace and sustainable development.”
Meanwhile, Bishop Hiiboro has urged the people of God in his Episcopal See to “embrace the transformative power of God’s love” to foster peace during the Lenten season. In a statement he shared with ACI Africa on Monday, March 3, the Bishop of CDTY highlighted the profound significance of this year’s Lenten season, noting that its convergence with the Jubilee Year enhances its transformative essence.
“This Lenten season holds even greater significance as we prepare for the Jubilee Year of Hope,” he said, and added, “It is a time to embrace the transforming power of God’s love, to forgive and be forgiven, and to rekindle the flames of hope, justice, and peace in our communities”. The South Sudanese Catholic Bishop further said, “Let us walk together, strengthened by prayer, fasting, and acts of charity, so that we may truly become instruments of Christ’s love and hope in the world.”
Bishop Hiiboro addressed the ongoing security challenges in South Sudan’s Western Equatoria state, and across the antire country, emphasizing the need for fervent prayer throughout Lent to foster peace and stability in the world’s youngest nation. “We must also remember that Western Equatorial and the entire South Sudan have not yet reached an era of sustainable peace. Our prayers and genuine efforts for peace must remain at the heart of our Lenten observance,” he said. He added in reference to the book of Prophet Joel, “As we enter this sacred season of Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday, we embark on a journey of repentance, renewal, and deepened faith. This is a time to return to the Lord with our whole hearts, seeking His mercy and grace.”
Bishop Hiiboro also advocated for transformation in agriculture, emphasizing the integration of faith and hard work as essential pillars for progress. He explained, “As this is also a season of farming, let us embrace our mission of agricultural transformation. Our inspiring motto, ‘The Holy Bible in one hand and a Hoe in the other,’ reminds us that through faith and hard work, we can renew and uplift our communities.”
“May this Lenten season be a time of grace, renewal, and transformation for you, your families, and our beloved Diocese of Tombura-Yambio,” implored Bishop who has been at the helm of the Diocese since his Episcopal Consecration in June 2008.
Silas Isenjia – ACI Africa