Saturday, March 8, 2025
Dear elderly and sick confrères a greeting of peace from Rome. A couple of days ago we began the Consulta. And, like every other time, we began our work by remembering in prayer all our confrères, but you, in particular, commending you to God, together with all the confrères who live in situations of fragility in our Institute.

I confess that I would have loved to write to you sooner, even immediately after the election. Unfortunately, I had many commitments that made it impossible for me to send you these words immediately.

Every time I think of you, I consider the incredible witness of faith and service that you have given us over the past years. And even now, at this stage of your lives, you continue to be an inspiration to us all.

I know that your missionary spirit knows no limits or boundaries. Your abiding love for the people to whom you have given your life, for the confrères with whom you have carried out your missionary service, and for all the members in the Institute today, continues to enlighten our entire Comboni family. Your presence in the house where you currently live is a precious gift to your entire province, region or circumscription. You are a beacon of hope and comfort to those around you and to those who, though distant, constantly remember you.

I know – we all know – that your heart is always turned to God and that your prayers continue to support the mission of the Institute and the Church. Never cease to do so! We would be lacking something indispensable.

You, our elderly and sick confrères, are the qualified custodians of the heart of the Comboni charism and of the history of the Institute. Perhaps you feel weak? You and I know that the fullness of life of the human being necessarily passes through the folds of his weakness. God does not turn away from us because we are weak and imperfect. On the contrary, that is when, if we allow him, he is closest to us with his infinite love. After all, wasn’t the method chosen by God the Father to save us precisely that of asking His beloved Son, Jesus, to fully embrace the utmost weakness of our nature? And so, let us rejoice in the surprising paradox of the Apostle Paul: “When I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10).

The members of the General Council and I thank you for your dedication, your wisdom and your example of life.

May faith always give you strength and serenity.

Know that you are constantly present in our prayers.

I embrace you in a strong embrace.

Father Luigi Fernando Codianni, Superior General
Rome, 4th March 2025