Friday, June 14, 2024
The Comboni missionaries, the Comboni sisters and the Comboni lay missionaries met on Friday morning, 7 June, in Vitória (ES – Brazil) to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to share a moment of prayer and conviviality together as a Comboni Family. The meeting took place in the house of the Comboni missionary sisters.

The meeting began with a celebration of the Word, presided over by Father Carlo Faggion, on the theme “Credible Witnesses of a New Humanity and Solidarity”. Present were Fathers Elio Savoia, Vincent de Paul Rutaremwa and Wilfried Djato, the resident Comboni sisters, and Tranquillo Dias, representing the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM).

The picture depicting St Daniel Comboni with Christ on the cross.

Father Carlo also made a brief reflection on the picture depicting St Daniel Comboni with Christ on the cross. It is an image rich in symbolism for this day dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is about Comboni's true union with the Cross and the unique gaze of Jesus and Comboni. Africa is in the heart.

Tranquillo Dias,
CLM in the State of Espírito Santo (ES) – Brazil