Wednesday, May 29, 2024
From 7 to 28 July 2024, some sixty Comboni missionaries involved in basic formation at all levels, from vocation promotion to scholastics and international brothers’ centres, postulancy and novitiates, will meet in Rome.

Father José de Jesús Villaseñor Gálvez, General Secretary for Formation, wrote a letter in which he invited the entire Institute – and not only the provinces with vocations or formation houses – to “a serious and profound discernment in the accompaniment of young people so that the Mission may be the meaning of their lives in view of an ad vitam consecration”.

In the last few years, the Comboni Institute has been experiencing a ‘new geography of vocations’, with an abundance of vocations in Africa and a sharp decline in Europe and America. The Institute welcomes young people who want to become Comboni missionaries, but at the same time is aware that it is a challenge and a responsibility to offer a quality formation process.

It is necessary that vocational animators and formators be available and prepared for this very delicate service, because our future is at stake on them.

Three Zambian Comboni postulants who completed the Philosophy course in May 2024 in Balaka, Malawi.

Through the intercession of St Daniel Comboni, we pray for all the formators and all the young people who are being formed in the Institute of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, that they may be faithful and enthusiastic about the Mission.
