Comboni Scholasticate of Nairobi: “Walking together with the Risen Christ”


Tuesday, April 19, 2022
Taking the occasion of the celebration of Easter, the Comboni scholastics in Nairobi have published a Newsletter, in which they include, besides the Easter Message of Fr. Stefano Giudici – superior of the Comboni Scolasticate –, some topics related to the Synod on Synodality and the process of Synodality in the Church. Attached, we publish the Newsletter.

Newsletter Issue:
Editorial (Sch. Jamito)
2 Easter Message (Fr. Stefano)
3 Synod on Synodality: Journeying with the Risen Christ (Sch. Winfred)
4 Fraternity with the Margins (Sch. Ngbolo)
5 Rediscovering Jesus’ presence in others (Sch. Queliso)
6 And His Transforming grace operates through us (Sch. Jacques Dodor)
7 Walking together: A new paradigm of being a Church (Sch. Jean-Marie Vianney)
8 Walking together in the process of synodality as the disciples of Emmaus (Sch. Felipe de Jesus)



By Sch. Jamito Paulino, MCCJ

Jamito Paulino, a Mozambican scholastic.

The road from Jerusalem to Emmaus is the symbolic configuration of another road through the scriptures. This journey is necessary to recognize in the Risen Jesus the height of salvific events and figures and foresight of the past. Jesus brings about identification of himself in the breaking of bread – an invitation to share his life, triumphant over death. Thus, he flinches the time of the Church and the time of the celebration of sacramental signs, through which he continues to communicate the gift of love given once and forever.

In the context of the synod on Synodality “walking together”, the walk to Emmaus offers today’s Church a parallel opportunity to rediscover Christ’s presence in their lives, to gain a fresh understanding of God’s transforming grace, and to form a companionship that foster faith and support spiritual maturity. The Church, opening her windows, is a beautiful experience that allows those inside to see outside, and those outside to see inside. This does not only contribute to a more welcoming Church but most importantly reiterates an identity of a Church that mutually reaches others and is reached by others, rediscovering and appreciating each one’s gifts.

In this world still facing situations of wars, conflicts, climate change, stigmatization of the pandemics, and multi-faced violence, which put our less fortunate brothers and sisters into a continuous vulnerability, creating situations of marginalization and inequalities, we should not expect that the resurrection of Jesus brings a miracle without the intervention of man and woman. Indeed, God does not have feet, hands, eyes, ears…, but he has us through whom he walks, works, sees, and hears. The message of the event of the Risen Christ, as well as the process of the synod, cannot pass unheard in both Christian and secular worlds. Alas, a good Christian is a good citizen, one whose life is concerned with the current situation the world undergoes, especially here in Kenya where the elections are at the door with an uncertain outcome.

In this issue, we share today’s experience in which the Risen Christ - as he did walk with the disciples to Emmaus - walks with us, touches us, and in which circumstances we witness his presence in a church that walks together. The resurrection and synodality are an opportunity to look at the past and the present, looking forward to discovering a new path for a better serving Church.

Sch. Jamito Paulino, MCCJ
