Proposals of the 6th General Assembly of the Comboni Lay Missionaries in Rome


Wednesday, February 13, 2019
The 6th General Assembly of the Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) [December 11-17, 2018] has been a very intense week of group-works and plenary assemblies in various languages, leading to approvals by consensus. It was also a week of personal encounters, where we interacted with other people, and we have come to understand a little better how we live our common CLM vocation in the various countries and cultures. [Attached you can see the text of the Proposals in English, Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish and Polish].

We also shared our joys and successes, but also our difficulties and challenges, encouraged to accompany and support those who fall ill. But we all, from this spirit of the International LMC Family, desire to support one another in fulfilling the mission the Lord has entrusted to us as an International CLM Movement.

It was also a privileged time of prayer and shared celebrations. A time to share our faith and our common CLM vocation. Each one called by Jesus to go out to meet humankind, having a personal encounter with the weakest and most marginalised members.

This was also a time when Mary was very much present. In our little crypt we had an image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Mary who comes near us as the intercessor of the least ones, of the indigenous peoples of America, making possible the inculturation of our faith. She is a teacher on our journey. Mary leads us to Jesus in this time of Advent, a time of hope. She, in all her different attributes, was very much present during this week, as a mother who desires to journey with us.

At the foot of the altar, the image of Comboni constantly reminded us about the specifics of our vocation. A vocation that seeks to be “Catholic” (universal), because only if we are all united will it be possible to regenerate this World.

A globe of the World also was placed by the altar, representing all these situations we are called to serve, starting from our own mother earth, mistreated by over-exploitation, by taking care of its children who suffer the inequalities of this world, the unjust distribution of access to the riches and wonders that God placed for all, so that we could have a full life.

On a journey by which we have recognised the path travelled in these six years from every corner of the world. Many have been the realities of our humanity that have come to the surface, as we remembered the places where the CLM are present. We want to continue to be an outgoing Church, never comfortable but one that starts off with humility to accompany the lives of the impoverished ones, that recognises the richness in diversity, that needs to constantly learn with the least ones to discover the face of God in a most complete possible way, the one we have read and discovered in each culture of this world.

A community of communities that wants to be present wherever the Lord places us. Who wants to look around and not to settle down. That approaches these frontier realities, where others do not want to go, and becomes one with the people. Ready to leave one’s country or to attend to these mission realities in their own country. Because the mission is not concerned with borders and geographical areas, but with people. A globalised world that needs a common response.

That's why we recognise, we shout, we pray: One world, one humanity, one common response!

This is why have sung several times, that “Tudo está interligado, como se fôssemos um… tudo está interligado nesta casa común” (“all is interconnected, as if we were one… everything is intertwined in our common home”).

Now we enter a time of prayer and discernment in order to perceive the passing of the Lord through our lives, our assembly, to understand the conclusions that received our approval.

It is a time of study, reflection and prayer in each of our communities, because, just like the Word of God, these conclusions, read in the community, may acquire a fuller meaning.

May the Lord grant us the courage to take a step forward and the fidelity to stay with Him on this path of missionary service.

Now begins the time to make all these resolutions come true!