Friday, May 26, 2017
“I would like to reflect with you on the 150th anniversary of the founding of the institute, seeking to understand, on the one hand, the reasons for the memory, why to remember, and, on the other hand, propose some objectives for our celebration; that is, for what reason to celebrate.” Thus begins the reflection of Fr. Manuel Augusto. This reflection was offered to the members of the General Curia of the Comboni Missionaries in Rome for the day of retreat on the 8th of March. [See attached text in Italian].

Fr. Manuel Augusto emphasises four attitudes to commemorate the history of the Institute: the first attitude is to get closer to the time and circumstances of the history of the Institute; then, enter the kairòs of the birth of the Institute itself, seen in the perspective of the charismatic grace that was given to Daniel Comboni for the foundation; the third attitude is to rekindle in us the sense of the inheritance Daniel Comboni has left us; finally, to promote the knowledge of our history, in the sense of understanding the goals achieved, to situate ourselves in the context where we are now.