Sunday, January 8, 2017
At the parish church of St Teresa of the Child Jesus in Kégué, in the outskirts of Lomé, on Saturday, 17 December, the Togolese Comboni deacons Nestor Amegnaglo and Lionel Dofonnou were ordained to the priesthood. A further fourteen deacons of the Archdiocese of Lomé were also ordained by Msgr. Denis Amuzu Dzakpah, Archbishop of the capital. In the picture from left to right: Fr. Lionel Dofonnou, Fr. Girolamo Miante, and Fr. Jean Nestor Amegnaglo.

An immense crowd and a large group of priests accompanied in prayer and joy this ecclesial event: a gift for the Local Church and the whole world. The Archbishop underlined the importance of a life in Christ that is given to Him to enable one to give himself to all in the ministry, there wherever the Lord invites and wills it. An invitation to live faithfully the gift of the priesthood nourished by an intense spiritual life. Fr. Jean Nestor and Fr. Lionel will commence their priestly ministry in Togo and Brazil, respectively: by so doing they will witness to their faith and their missionary enthusiasm through the charism of St Daniel Comboni.

In the picture from left to right: Fr. Lionel Dofonnou, Fr. Girolamo Miante, and Fr. Jean Nestor Amegnaglo.