Tuesday, May 31, 2016
The Comboni provincial superiors and delegates of French-speaking Africa met in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, on May 24-29. The two main reasons for the meeting were: to share the post-chapter journey of the circumscriptions in view of preparing the six year plan and to check on the state of the Afriquespoir Center (CAE) by approving its charter. The missionaries approved the charter of mission promotion in French-speaking Africa and the conclusions of the mission promotion assembly, which took place in Chad last January. Concerning the CAE, its council includes the two provincial superiors of the Comboni Missionary Sisters in French-speaking Africa, DRC/Togo/Benin and CAR/Chad/Cameroon.

The meeting made it possible to highlight some common priorities for the next six years that will be included in the continental plan, soon to be formulated. The missionaries spent their last day at the scholasticate of Kintambo, Kinshasa, meeting the community and the scholastics from the French-speaking circumscriptions in an atmosphere of brotherhood and sharing.

From left: Fr. Aldegheri Giorgio (Rep. Centrafricaine), Sr. Dalva Maria Areia (Centrafrica-Tchad-Camerun),
Fr. Mumbere Musanga Joseph (RD. Congo), Fr. Fidèle Katsan Fodagni Kokouvi (Tchad),
Sr. Luigia Coccia (RDC-Togo-Benin), Fr. Miante Girolamo (Togo-Ghana-Benin).