Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Victor Ochen, a young human rights activist from Uganda is the recipient of the 2015 Mundo Negro Fraternity Prize. He will be given the award during the 18th Meeting on Africa, Anthropology and Mission to be held in Madrid, Spain, on February 5-7. This year’s theme is, “Dreams of Peace.” In 2015, Victor Ochen was one of the candidates to the Nobel Peace Prize. From among the main activities of the 18th Meeting on Africa, Anthropology and Mission we want to point out some highly relevant lectures, such as: “Peace and Conflicts. A balancing act in Africa” by Josep María Royo Aspa, a well-known expert on conflicts and the promotion of peace; and “The Church as an instrument of peace-building” by Tíscar Espigares, in charge of the Saint Egidio Community in Madrid.


Victor Ochen,
a young human
rights activist
from Uganda.

Every year the Spanish Comboni mission magazine Mundo Negro organizes a meeting on Africa, Anthropology and Mission. During the event, the director of the publication confers the Mundo Negro Fraternity Prize on one or more outstanding candidates connected with Africa. This year, Fr. Jaime Calvera, the current editor of Mundo Negro, and Fr. Ramón Aguíliz, provincial superior, will present the award to Victor Ochen, a well-known Ugandan human rights activist and founder of the African Youth Initiative Network. Mr. Ochen will share his experience with a talk on “Peace as a Reality.”

From among the main activities of the 18th Meeting on Africa, Anthropology and Mission we want to point out some highly relevant lectures, such as: “Peace and Conflicts. A balancing act in Africa” by Josep María Royo Aspa, a well-known expert on conflicts and the promotion of peace; and “The Church as an instrument of peace-building” by Tíscar Espigares, in charge of the Saint Egidio Community in Madrid.

Also worth mentioning is a debate on “War in Africa: A Collective View” with the participation of several journalists, including free-lancer Carla Fibla, Gonzalo Araluce from El Español and Patricia Rodríguez González who runs the Salesians Missions Projects.

The meeting will end with the celebration of the Eucharist, enriched by the Karibu African Choir, to be held in the chapel of the Comboni Missionaries’ community in Madrid.