Meeting of the European Group of Theological Reflection in Germany


Thursday, December 12, 2013
The European Group of Theological Discussion (EGTD) gathered in Nuremberg on December 3-5, at the house of the German-speaking Comboni province (DSP), to share the progress made in publishing the 2nd volume of To Be Mission Today. In the picture from left, members of the GERT: Fr. Joaquim Valente da Cruz, Fr. Benito de Marchi, Fr. Franz Weber, Prof. Carmelo Dotolo, Fr. Martin James Devenish, Fr. Alessando Zanotelli, Fr. Fernando Zolli.

After a time of sharing of the personal experiences of the individual members of the group, there was ample time to reflect on the program for the upcoming Symposium at Limone (April 22-25, 2014) which will have as its theme, “Which Mission do we Communicate?” from the publication of the Annals of the Good Shepherd, wanted by Comboni, up to today’s streaming, and on the preparation of the 2nd volume of To Be Mission Today, already foreseen from the beginning of the effort towards a wider sharing of the group reflection of the EGTD.

Other topics of reflection were: the next General Chapter, the possible ways of developing the EGTD and the work done at the symposiums of Limone, a theological-pastoral reading of some numbers of the VAT II decree Ad Gentes, presented by Fr. Franz  Weber, and the relation between finances-economy and the Gospel, presented by Fr. Alex Zanotelli.

There was also time to visit in Nuremberg the Christmas market, which draws
over two million visitors, and the Center of documentation on Nazism,
very well organized and visited by many schools, which explains how Germany
fell into the trap of absolutism and of Hitler’s dictatorship.