Rome, Thursday, June 6, 2013
The visit of the Father General, Enrique Sánchez González, to the Comboni Delegation of Egypt from 4th to 16th May, was a moment of fraternal sharing and awareness of the Egyptian reality and particularly at the ecclesial and Comboni levels. In the Picture: Fr. Enrique with Coptic Catholic Bishop Joannes Zakaria of Luxor.

Arriving on the 4th May, the Oriental Easter Vigil, it was like stepping back in time, not only liturgically with the Alexandrian Coptic Church, but also in the Ancient land of Pyramids, tombs, deities and the life of ancient towns along the Nile. Easter Monday we had lunch with the Nuncio, Mons. John Gobel, the next day with the Bishop of Luxor, Mons. Johannes, followed by a visit of courtesy to the Coptic Catholic Patriarch, Ibrahim Isaac, and the Apostolic Vicar of the Latin Rite, Mons. Adel Zaki.

With every Comboni confrere there was a personal story to listen to and an appropriate word to say, as Fr. Enrique met with each confrere of the Delegation. The 11th of May was a mini assembly to share his impressions and reflections at the beginning of the straw ballot for the election of the new Provincial of the new Egypt-Sudan Province. Touching on examples of other visits he made, Fr. Enrique reflected about the situation of the Institute, making us feel part of it as a community facing together the future. The mini assembly concluded with the Eucharist followed by the ritual blessing of inaugurating the “Comboni Crypt” at Cordi Jesu church, where once the institute for la Missione dell’Africa Centrale stood.

He called us to work together, not to create our own islands. Being realistic about the amalgamation, he reminded us about discerning together as we tread together a path of renewal and requalification. It is a time of creativity in order to face numerous challenges of both Sudan and Egypt. The Provincial of Khartoum was also present and shared the anxieties they are experiencing in Sudan, reminding us of the uncertainties that the political situation imposes on our continuity in the country.

Fr. Enrique met with a representative group of Comboni Lay Missionaries during the Bible Congress in Zamalek on the 10th May, sharing guiding insights on the relationships between the Comboni Lay Missionaries and the Comboni Missionaries. He pointed out their autonomy, inviting them to discover their identity, which is a vocation, not another church activity among many. Referring to the problem of the Ad Gentes mission for the Lay Comboni Missionaries, this cannot be imposed but seen and discerned within the Laity vocational identity.

Fr. Enrique in Aswan.

Fr. Enrique with Comboni Missionaries and Sisters in Aswan.

Fr. Enrique with the confreres of the community of Helwan.

Fr. Enrique’s visit to the Comboni school in Helwan.