Rome, Saturday, February 16, 2013
Last Wednesday, the portuguese Comboni Lay Missionary Liliana Ferreira returned to the mission of Carapira after a time of holiday in her native land. Liliana returned to Mozambique, where she has worked for the past two years, first in the parish of Benfica, near the capital, Maputo, and then in Carapira, in the north of the country.

The Comboni Lay Missionaries (CLM) have been present in Mozambique for the past 15 years. In Carapira they form an international community that gives Christian and professional witness in the pastoral field and at the Industrial School, run by the Comboni Brothers.

Liliana Ferreira has concluded her vacation during which time she took part in the 5th Assembly of the CLM in Maia, Portugal – on December 2-9, as a representative of Mozambique – and in the national meeting of the CLM of Portugal, last weekend.

“We thank Liliana for her generosity and we wish her a good mission time in Mozambique. We hope she will continue to be a sign of the Kingdom of God through her witness of life and professionalism among all those who will live with her,” said the head of the CLM of Portugal, Pedro Moreira, when Liliana said her goodbyes at Lisbon airport.

Comboni Lay Missionaries: Carlos Barros, Liliana Ferreira, and Márcia Costa.

Comboni Lay Missionaries: Carlos Barros, Liliana Ferreira (Maria Moreira), and Pedro Moreira.