Archbishop Claudio, in Mozambique: “Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year is an Opportunity to Restore Justice”


Friday, July 5, 2024
The Year of Prayer in preparation for the Church’s 2025 Jubilee Year provides an opportunity for the people of God in Mozambique to put their lives in order and restore justice, the Local Ordinary of the Catholic Archdiocese of Beira has said. Speaking at the conclusion of the 28th Theological Week in his Metropolitan See, Archbishop Claudio Dalla Zuanna said that peace and social justice in Mozambique “goes beyond the simple silencing of weapons.” [
ACI Africa]

“We know that the Jubilee is an opportunity to put things back in order, to restore justice, to convert ourselves, if we have strayed from the path, to try to focus and return to the Synod, to walk together again, to be a people, a family,” Archbishop Zuanna said during the June 28 event that was held at Nazareth Training Center in Beira. He added, “This week could serve to help our Church in Mozambique not to miss this opportunity given to us by the Jubilee of renewal, of conversion, of changing the style of being Church and paying attention to society, of being salt of the earth, of being light for Mozambique.”

“It is in this spirit of preparation for the 25th anniversary of the Jubilee, together with other events linked to our country Mozambique and our Church in Beira, that we are celebrating this year's Theological Week 2024,” the Argentine member of the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart (SCI) said. The 28th Theological Week of the Archdiocese of Beira took place as part of the preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025, the 50th anniversary of the independence of Mozambique, as well as the 100th anniversary of the Cathedral of Beira.

The June 24-28 event brought together theologians from various parts of Mozambique, including Bishops, Priests, Religious men and women, and laypeople, to discuss a variety of topics guided by the theme “Pilgrims of Hope.”

“The Church in Mozambique could give signs of hope for the country, whether in the economic and human dimension, but also of their well-being, for peace that goes beyond just the laying down of arms,” the Archbishop of Beira since his Episcopal Consecration in October 2012 said. He added, “In Mozambique, we have situations where the guns are still talking. But peace is an attitude of life, it's understanding, it's solidarity and inclusion.”

Archbishop Zuanna said the objective of the theological week was for the people of God to gather for reflection, prayer, and to study “current ecclesial and social events.”

João Vissesse – ACI Africa

Credit photo Archdiocese of Beira: Archbishop Claudio Dalla Zuanna (center) during the conclusion of the 28th Theological Week in Mozambique’s Catholic Archdiocese of Beira.