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Card. Giovanni Simeoni


AP, Udienze, v. 195, P II, f. 1398

Rome, 12 October 1880

Request for a dispensation.

Fr. Francesco Giulianelli


ACR, A, c. 15/20


Rome, 16/10 80

My dear Fr Francesco,


Try to direct the spiritual exercises for the Deacons Giovanni Dichtl and Giuseppe Ohrwalder well; and if you see fit, as I do, arrange them for everyone. Your mother is well, I saw her the other day and yesterday evening.
In Rome, Propaganda has given me a lot of work on some new African Vicariates that are being founded beyond the Equator. But I have nearly come to the end of my work and can do no more. I worked night and day without visiting anyone except in the Church or the convent where I said mass in the mornings.
I bless Fr Rosignoli, please give my greetings to him, and I bless everyone.
Say lots and lots of prayers for
Your most affectionate

+ Daniel Comboni,
Bishop and Vicar Apostolic

Fr. Giuseppe Sembianti


ACR, A, c. 15/100


Rome, 17 October 1880

My dear Father,


I am drowning in work for Propaganda. I am writing night and day both to make haste and to leave Rome soon (I am without a secretary, without help; it is hard! Militia est! ), because I have here more than 30 letters or packets of letters, which I do not want to read so as to devote myself to Propaganda’s important work. But I read yours immediately and all of them.
Keep under the seal of confession the following, which I am only telling you, and you have permission to talk about it only to Fr Vignola, because neither you nor I have secrets from that holy man who I bet was born almost without original sin and breathes only the rarest glory of God more than all the Jesuits in the world (and I always love and esteem them) who appropriate and care for the good of souls, without human passions, selfishness, partiality or two-faced intentions, etc., you can tell only him, if you wish, and not others, although… because tongues are not always in the right place and it is not always understood that: “discreet silence was never written down”.


1. Propaganda has secretly asked me to examine the Ponenza of 4 new Vicariates in Africa belonging to other Ecclesiastical Congregations or Vicariates which embrace a quarter of all Africa… My God! Not everything has been done with the usual maturity… etc., but there is some good in it.
2. I am not yet able to swallow … the Parish Priest of Montorio… I asked for him out of desperation, I commended myself to the Lord, I prayed night and day: but the depth of my conscience, although the Cardinal had granted him to me, says to me: “do not accept him, because he is not a man with that … he lacks… and then it is too heavy a burden to maintain three of his … totally, all their life… to take someone who is already getting on in years… who could die tomorrow, even doing good (???), and die like the others.


This is why I never wrote to Egypt to say that I would be bringing Fr Grego with me, nor that Rolleri would not be returning there as Superior… But the Cardinal wrote mirabila to Propaganda about Fr Grego…, and the Most Eminent Cardinal di Canossa did this out of outstanding love of me and the mission… I have already obtained a free first class passage for him, through Propaganda and the Austrian Ambassador… from Trieste to Alexandria;
Propaganda has already congratulated me on having an experienced Parish Priest such as Fr Grego, etc., etc. Even the Austrian Ambassador is happy with him etc., because I told him that he was a good man… Yet I do not like him, and I cannot make up my mind to say that I accept him. Indeed (confessional secret), in my mind there are 99 reasons for not accepting him…


Although Rolleri is a man…

[Here there are four illegible lines: they have been written over by another hand]

…and yet I like him better. Public opinion in Verona leaves me neither hot nor cold… Had I listened to the good people of Verona who are generally excellent at criticising but not at helping, I should have done nothing… Also concerning Rolleri it was for political reasons and interests that I did nothing about him, because the Bishop of Piacenza looks favourably on me and would give me a hundred priests, if they had a vocation for Africa. Therefore… feeling so cold about Grego, I would prefer to have Rolleri in Cairo again rather than Grego. Then if Rolleri would come to the interior I would pardon him nearly all his sins… In short, say a lot of prayers and have prayers said. Forgive me if I return to my work, because it is urgent. Ora, et fave,
Your most affectionate

+ Bishop Daniel

Mgr. Guglielmo Massaia


AGFCR, Lettere ricevute dal Massaia

Rome, 18/10 80

Your Most Reverend Excellency,


At last I have finished a job which concerned me, and tired and oppressed, I want to have a little relief; so on Wednesday or Thursday I shall come and see my dear Monsignor and Father. My war cry is: “Africa or Death!”, but I come to glean a spark of that apostolic zeal from you, Monsignor, who are the veteran of African battles and have experienced more than anyone and before anyone else the sweetness of privations and the laborious difficulties of the African apostolate; and you felt in yourself the splendid truth corroborated by long experience that Christ made the Cross and not a carriage in which to go to heaven and take others there.


I heard from a son of St Girolamo Miani that the Most Reverend Rector has returned from Ireland and is at Ruffinella; please give my best regards, as also
to the Vice Rector, the Bursar, the Professors, etc., and as I kiss your Sacred ring, I implore your blessing,
Your most affectionate son,

+ Daniel Comboni,
Bishop and Vicar Apostolic

Greet my African students for me!

Fr. Angelo Tagliaferro


SP SC Collegi Vari, f. 1317v

Rome, October 1880

My dear Fr Angelo,


On Saturday I returned from the Vatican full of enthusiasm because I sat with Pope Leo XIII for an least an hour and a half and remained with him in the Throne Room for another half hour. Pope Leo XIII is all on fire for Africa, and although a good 16 months have passed since he received my last five Sisters (Superior Sr Amalia) nevertheless he told me he is enthusiastic about them and their spirit of sacrifice together with such simplicity. He had asked Sr Amalia Andreis whether she was not afraid of death; and, regarding her answer that she would be glad to die even immediately for love of Christ and the Africans, he still remembers the impression this made on him and told me of his admiration.


It is enough for me that the Pope is happy.
I then explained the business of Sestri and how a charitable Priest, Fr Tagliaferro, has made me the gift of suitable premises, a former Dominican convent, etc., and he was very pleased. Well, the Pope said: “I wish you every blessing for this new work, and I hope with all my heart that it will put down roots and develop for the good of Africa and of souls. I then cordially bless the generous benefactor who is helping you by giving you the premises, etc. May the Lord preserve him and give him every good and reward him for this good act, which will be written in the book of life and which God will remember for eternity”.


This is the gist of what he told me for you. He then imparted a special blessing for your sister, Maria; and then a blessing for my father, to whom he wished multiple graces, and he blessed my cousin Teresa and the entire
African house in Sestri. I asked him for a blessing for your excellent priest brother and I bless everyone.
Affectionately yours,

+ Daniel,
Bishop and Vicar Apostolic

Canon Giovanni Mitterrutzner



Verona, 9 November 1880

Dulcissime rerum,


I was and am extremely busy: that is the only reason for my silence. But you are in my mind and heart; and next week (when I leave for Africa) I shall write you a long letter before leaving because I have so many things to tell you.
In the meantime, receive a large blessing from the Holy Father which I should have sent you from Rome after the private audience I had with him for almost two hours. A thousand regards to His Highness to whom (and to you) I will soon be sending a short memorandum which I have published on the African Discoveries, in which Mitterrutzner is briefly but nonetheless mentioned.
Vale et fave.
Tuissimus ad.

+ Bish. Daniel

Hand-written Will


AP SC Afr. C., v. 8, ff. 1108–1109v


The Will and Testament of Mgr Comboni and his Father

Verona, 11 November 1880


I, Daniel Comboni, Bishop of Claudiopolis and Vicar Apostolic of Central Africa, with this Will and Testament written in my own hand, appoint as my universal heirs in all the moveable goods and chattels and real estate of which I am found in possession at the moment of my death, both in Europe and outside Europe (always excepting the legitimate rights to which my father is entitled should he survive me) the Very Reverend Apostolic Missionaries, Fr Giuseppe Sembianti formerly Francesco of Vervò Trentino, the current Rector of my African Institutes of Verona, and Fr Giuseppe Marchesini, formerly Luigi of Verona, on condition, should one of them die before coming into possession of the inheritance, this will devolve it in its entirety to the survivor.
I cancel any other testament or codicil made by myself until this day. This is the deposition of my last will and testament.
Verona 11 November 1880

+ Daniel Comboni,
Bishop of Claudiopolis Vicar Apostolic of Central Africa

Copy of the Will and Testament of my father
Luigi Comboni, aged 77



Verona, 11 November 1880

In arranging for my few possessions in the case of death, I name as my heir my son, Monsignor Daniel, Bishop; and, in the case that he should die before me, I name as my heirs the apostolic Missionaries Fr Giuseppe Sembianti, son of the late Francesco of Vervò Trentino, and Fr Giuseppe Marchesini, son of the late Luigi of Verona, with the clause that should one of them die before me, the sum total of my small patrimony should pass to the other. I bequeath to my niece, Teresa Comboni, daughter of the late Faustino, my few pieces of furniture; and in addition, my heir or heirs must pay to my niece, Teresa Comboni, the sum of half an Italian Lire (50 cents) a day, throughout her life. With this written testament, I cancel any other arrangements for my last will. Verona, 11 November 1880

Luigi Comboni, son of the late Bortolo

To my Heirs

Verona, 11 November 1880


With my Will and Testament of this day, written in my own hand, I arrange for my possessions, wherever they may be, to be bequeathed to the Very Reverend Apostolic Missionaries Fr Giuseppe Sembianti and Fr Giuseppe Marchesini, to whom I give the following instructions, trusting that they will properly execute my last will:
After subtracting the expenses necessary for my funeral and prayers in suffrage, all my property amassed by my own efforts, by present and future legacies or those bequeathed by the kindness of my benefactors who have entrusted them to me for Central Africa or for the Holy Work for the Redemption of Africa, etc., all this property, as I say, must be used by my heirs for the above-mentioned Work for the Missions of Africa and Central Africa dependent upon myself, for the purpose of converting those poor unfortunate peoples to the Catholic Faith and Christian civilisation.
Should the said Work or Mission cease at the moment of my death or after it, my heirs must place everything in the hands of the Supreme Pontiff reigning at that time, and in those of the Most Eminent Cardinal General Prefect for the Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith.
This is my last will in the case mentioned above.
Verona, 11 November, 1880

+ Daniel Comboni, Bishop of Claudiopolis
and Vicar Apostolic of Central Africa


This will of mine, together with that of my Father, written by me and by him in our own hands, and these instructions for my heirs have been deposited in the Archives of the Very Reverend Rector of the Institute of Missions for Africa in Verona. Furthermore, my heirs, the Apostolic Missionaries Fr Giuseppe Sembianti and Fr Giuseppe Marchesini will immediately draft their own will and testament, bequeathing the property to reliable and honest persons so that after my death my last will and testament will always be respected and perfectly executed.
Verona, 21st November 1880

++ Daniel Comboni, Bishop of Claudiopolis
Vicar Apostolic of Central Africa

Card. Giovanni Simeoni
21.11. 1880


AP SC Afr. C., v. 8, ff. 1106–1107


Verona, 21 November 1880

Most Eminent and Reverend Prince,


On Friday, I embarked a Priest, a catechist and three Sisters in Trieste, and tomorrow I am leaving for Sestri and Rome with three Sisters, a converted schismatic Greek woman and two lay brothers, with the intention of embarking the latter with me in Naples on Saturday at midday on the Mail Steamer. On Wednesday or Thursday I shall be in Rome to pay my respects to your Eminence and to receive your blessing.


For that day I implore the grace of Your Most Reverend Eminence to have three Documents ready for me and to have them endorsed immediately by the French Embassy: that is, for:
Sr Rosalia Conti
Sr Francesca Dalmasso
Sr Maria Casella
of the Institute, as above.


This time St Joseph has done me a bad turn. He has let me lose about 20,000 (twenty thousand) francs, which I had deposited with my former Banker Brown who when I needed money had so frequently lent me up to 10, 15 or even 20 thousand lire all at once without interest. When I returned from Frascati last month, I ordered him to have ready for me 400 pounds Sterling and 600 gold Napoleons for the first week of November, and he said that it would all be ready for that day, and the 600 gold Napoleons even immediately. I am in deep trouble; but if St Joseph delays in coming to my rescue, I shall be forced to turn to his wife, who has every interest in St Joseph making a good impression: he therefore has to provide me with double that amount.


When I left for Central Africa as Pro-Vicar In 1872, I made my will and named as my heir the Most Eminent Cardinal di Canossa: but as I am growing old (all of 49) and neither is he growing any younger, on the advice of an eminent lawyer my father and I drew up a will and testament which I deposited with my Rector who will give it all to the Bishop. I am sending a hand-written copy to Your Most Reverend Eminence, because I mean everything to be done in the spirit of the Holy Father and of Your Eminence.
I kiss your Sacred Purple and declare myself
Your most devoted and obedient son,

+ Daniel,
Bishop and Vicar Apostolic

Fr. Giuseppe Sembianti


ACR, A, c. 15/101

Verona, 22 November 1880

Faculties granted.

Card. Giovanni Simeoni


AP SC Afr. C., v. 8, f. 1111


Rome, 25 November 1880

Most Eminent and Reverend Prince,


Because of the unexpected bankruptcy of the banker Brown, I find myself in serious difficulties. This elderly Englishman had at my request promised me that he would have my money in the equivalent of pounds sterling ready for me when I passed through Rome, which should have been on 4th November. With about 20,000 lire which were still deposited for me in his bank, not only would I have been able to make my expedition to Central Africa, but I would have provided in part for its serious needs. My credit has all been lost because all Mr Brown has left is enough to live on for a few months.


This is the first time that I ask the Sacred Congregation for aid, since I am forced to do so by urgent need and since I have to leave without delay for my Vicariate, I implore with the most earnest prayers that Your Most Reverend Eminence will deign to grant me an urgent subsidy of 20,000 lire (I say twenty thousand). For my part, I assure you that I will engage with all possible means, should God grant me a few years of life and not to die immediately, to repay to the Propaganda treasury the sum which I now humbly implore.
In the certainty that the excellent charity of Your Most Reverend Eminence will have compassion on my critical position, I bow to kiss your Sacred Purple, and sign with the deepest respect,
Your Most Reverend Eminence’s most humble, obedient and devoted son,

+ Daniel Comboni
Bishop and Vicar Apostolic