Christmas 2011
We wish that this Christmas may be for you the great feast which fills your heart with the presence of the Lord so that you may continue to announce Him to the world, in the hope that the year 2012 may be a time of blessings for you, for your community and for all the people who share in your missionary life.
Fr. Enrique Sánchez G.; Fr. Alberto Pelucchi; Fr. Antonio Villarino R.;
Fr. Tesfaye Tadesse G.; and Br. Daniele Giusti.

“Finally we reached Bethlehem late in the evening. My God! Was that the place Jesus chose to be born in? That very evening I wanted to go down to the blessed Grotto which saw the Creator of the world being born. I entered it and although birth is more joyful than death, I was nonetheless more moved than on Calvary, at the thought of the condescension of a God who humbled himself to the point of being born in this manger.
(Daniel Comboni, Writing 111)

Rome, 9 December 2011

Dear confreres,

During these days we are invited to focus our attention on the grotto of Bethlehem and to contemplate God made man. We wish to thank Him together for the gift of our missionary vocation, which makes us witnesses of this mystery.

Even today, God is born in many cribs around the world where we do our ministry. In many places we are the first to see how God continues to surprise this humanity. He invites us not to lose hope, to persevere and to preserve our joy, in the conviction of his presence among us.

We wish that this Christmas may be for you the great feast which fills your heart with the presence of the Lord so that you may continue to announce Him to the world, in the hope that the year 2012 may be a time of blessings for you, for your community and for all the people who share in your missionary life.

May the God of life choose to make his dwelling in each of you.

With brotherly love,

Fr.  Enrique Sánchez G.
Fr.  Alberto Pelucchi
Fr.  Antonio Villarino R.
Fr.  Tesfaye Tadesse G.
Br. Daniele Giusti