The Intercapitular Assembly, as already announced, will take place in Mexico City from 3 to 24 September 2006

To provincial and delegation superiors
To general secretaries
Their places of residence
Rome 6 January 2006
Epiphany of Our Lord


Dear Confreres,

With confidence and hope we begin the new year 2006 that will take us to the Intercapitular Assembly, a privileged time for the Institute to encourage us to listen, to share and to discern on the priorities of the General Chapter 2003 as well as on other important issues for the life of the Insti-tute (see RL 144).
The Intercapitular Assembly, even if it is just consultative, is always a favourable time for dis-covering and following the signs of the times shown us by God.
We invite all the confreres to begin the year looking forward to the Intercapitular Assembly. As I mentioned in my letter of 1 January “Walking together toward the Intercapitular 2006”, I invite you to consider this event as a time of grace for strengthening fraternal communion, promoting cor-responsibility and continuing on our journey to review and renew that which we have undertaken during these past three (3) years (see RL 145, CA ’03, 53-54).

With this message for convening the Intercapitular Assembly, I inform you all that:
- the Intercapitular Assembly, as already announced, will take place in Mexico City from 3 to 24 September 2006;
- the participants
will be: the members of the General Council, the secretaries of the general secretariats, the coordinator of ongoing formation, the secretary general, the pro-vincial and delegation superiors, the Superior General’s representative in Poland, and four (4) Brothers’ representatives, chosen by the General Council. There will also be three (3) confreres to assist with secretarial work and translations.


1. Reports
(which will have to reach the secretary general by the 31 May 2006)
a. General Council.
b. Secretaries of the general secretariats (evangelisation, mission promotion, vocation promotion and basic formation, finances), coordinator of ongoing formation and sec-retary general.
c. Continents. During the Assembly there will be time to prepare such reports.
d. Provinces, delegations, Poland and the district of the Curia (prepared by provincials and delegates).

2. Main topics: the journey of the Institute’s renewal
a. Balance between commitments and personnel.
b. The process of Ratio Missionis and other initiatives of ongoing formation.
c. Review of our basic ongoing formation’s journey.
d. Care of confreres in difficult situations (Code of Conduct).

3. Other topics
a. Establishment of provinces and delegations (CA ’03, 134-135).
b. The study of the possibility of opening new scholasticates (CA ’03, 68).
c. Taking over the management of the Social Ministry Institute (CA ’03, 123).
d. Inalienable Assets’ Fund (CA ’03, 127).

4. Topics proposed by the participants

5. General Chapter 2009

a. Choosing a theme for the General Chapter 2009
b. A Special General Chapter?

Dear confreres, we remain open to your suggestions and proposals. The Preparatory Commis-sion is already at work. At the end of the Consulta of March we shall send around the agenda with the timetable and other relevant information.

May the Spirit of Christ, Missionary of the Father, and of Comboni, missionary of Christ, show us the path for a future full of grace for the Comboni mission.

Fr. Teresino Serra
Fr. Teresino Serra - 6 January 2006