From 1857, the year of his first trip, to 1881, the year of his death, Daniel Comboni accomplished eight long journeys in Africa. His missionary spirit and his great ability to relate and collaborate with all kinds of helpers, caused him to constantly be on the road.
By ship on the Mediterranean, by train over Europe, on a camel in the African deserts, on a sledge through the Russian steppes, by boat on the African rivers, on foot along the African paths, Daniel Comboni broke through the boundaries of the society of his time and spoke clearly of the necessity to make Christ known in Africa and in Europe.
From his Writings:
“You have certainly received a letter of mine from Jerusalem and, although my father probably has already informed you of my travels, still on the hunch that for some months now you may not have been at Limone, I wish to mention something about it.
On 23 October we left Cairo on two large ‘Dahhabièh’.
After twenty days of good travel we reached Aswan, getting from a distance a glimpse of the famous pyramids, the glorious ruins of Denderah, Keneh, Tebe, Karnok, Luxor, Esneh, etc. Avoiding the cataracts by making a short trip on camels through a small desert, we sailed again on the Nile at Scellal, situated at the beginning of Nubia, below the tropic.
We rented two new boats and happily arrived at Korosco, at the very edge of the formidable desert of Nubia.”
Letter to Don Pietro Grana. Khartoum 15 January 1858, Writing n. 4799.