Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

Workshops of the Comboni Network at the World Social Forum

Sunday, August 7, 2016
The program of the
World Social Forum (WSF), which takes place this year in Montreal, Canada, from the 9th to the 14th of August, is now official. The WSF 2016 will host about 50 000 people, from 120 countries and around 5000 organizations who want to build a sustainable and inclusive world, where every person and every people has its place and can make its voice heard. There will be more than1300 events, including arts and culture, as well as 21 Grand Conferences. The slogan of the WSF 2016 is “Another world is needed. Together it is possible!” Thirteen Comboni Missionaries and two Comboni Sisters will participate in the event as “Comboni Network” and will present six workshops on topics related to issues of social and environmental justice.

Radio Vaticano noticia presença comboniana no Fórum Social Mundial

Sexta-feira, 17 de Abril de 2015
Ontem, a
Radio Vaticano transmitiu a notícia da participação da “Rede Comboniana” (Comboni Network) no Fórum Social Mundial (FSM), realizado de 24 a 28 de Março passado, em Tunes. “O FSM – afirma na entrevista o P. Arlindo Pinto, um dos 37 missionários e missionárias vindos de várias partes do mundo para participar no evento – é um palco de confrontação de ideias e projectos para a construção de um mundo melhor”. Para escutar a notícia de cerca de 16 minutos na rubrica "África Global" da Radio Vaticano, em língua portuguesa, clicar aqui.