
Surgery in Mongoumba: 25 years of dedication and availability
Surgery in Mongoumba: 25 years of dedication and availability
Piquiá de Baixo: Resistance as a Performance!
Piquiá de Baixo: Resistance as a Performance!
Piquiá de Baixo: Resistance as a Performance!
Piquiá de Baixo: Resistance as a Performance!
Piquiá de Baixo: Resistance as a Performance!
Piquiá de Baixo: Resistance as a Performance!
Campagna “Gioca a favore della vita”
Campagna “Gioca a favore della vita”
Campagna “Gioca a favore della vita”
Campagna “Gioca a favore della vita”
Celebration of perpetual vows of three Comboni missionaries in Lomé
Celebration of perpetual vows of three Comboni missionaries in Lomé
Celebration of perpetual vows of three Comboni missionaries in Lomé
Celebration of perpetual vows of three Comboni missionaries in Lomé
Comunità Comboniana di Firenze 2016
Comunità Comboniana di Firenze 2016
Katholikentag 2016 in Leipzig (Deutschland)
Katholikentag 2016 in Leipzig (Deutschland)
Fiftieth anniversary of the General House in Rome
Fiftieth anniversary of the General House in Rome
The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the fiftieth anniversary of the General House
The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the fiftieth anniversary of the General House